

  • I'm currently taking topomax for migraines... I don't know much about the first medication but I do have allot of experience with topomax. I get migraines called hemiplegic migraines and they are incredibly awful and there is nothing you can do once you get one except deal with it cus currently there is no medication that…
  • I'm not sure how old you are, but this is very immature. I don't watch doctor Oz. I was just saying rather then focussing on yourselfs and positives, your focussing negative energy on this post .For example I gave my two cents, and everyone attacked me, and mocked me. Kind of feels like highschool, shouldn't this site be…
  • Yes- I do know the difference, but just becuase someone has a medical degree they are also allowed to have their own beliefs and what works on how they loose weight. I just was making a point, I'm seeing all these people posting things that are this and that don't work, well unless you have a medical degree or a…
  • Are you a doctor, or did you go to medical school and study rigorously? I don't like thate everyone here is trying to loose weight, loosing weight is a postive thing, but yet your focussing your energy on Doctor Oz? Yes the media makes stuff up or makes things bigger then it seems but maybe it is his beliefs and works for…
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