A bit about Dr. Oz.



  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    My mom stopped taking her insulin because of this man. I hope he dies.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Don't trust him as far as I could throw him.....
  • creativephoenix
    creativephoenix Posts: 23 Member
    I do agree that he seems to always have a new 'cure all' pill that he is constantly hocking. If we were to take everything he suggests, we'd be on 40 supplements!

    However, I do applaud that he is willing to give a forum on alternative medicines, as there are many options out there--not just one thing works all the time for everyone.
  • DavidOfOz
    DavidOfOz Posts: 225
    AND ITS NOT ME!!! just sayin!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    My mom stopped taking her insulin because of this man. I hope he dies.

    And this would be a very extreme example of why I hate his show. So many people who, unfortunately for them, believe that his show consists of accurate medical advice, and they make changes in their lives based on that horrible information.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My mom stopped taking her insulin because of this man. I hope he dies.

    And this would be a very extreme example of why I hate his show. So many people who, unfortunately for them, believe that his show consists of accurate medical advice, and they make changes in their lives based on that horrible information.

    Agreed. As fun as it is to make fun of the guy for being a quack, sadly, he's also putting out a lot of garbage information that can potentially harm someone. He doesn't always preface his information with, "talk to your doctor about this" either.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    My mom stopped taking her insulin because of this man. I hope he dies.

    And this would be a very extreme example of why I hate his show. So many people who, unfortunately for them, believe that his show consists of accurate medical advice, and they make changes in their lives based on that horrible information.

    Agreed. As fun as it is to make fun of the guy for being a quack, sadly, he's also putting out a lot of garbage information that can potentially harm someone. He doesn't always preface his information with, "talk to your doctor about this" either.

    I can't fully blame him. She has never been 100% compliant with her diseases. I just don't understand why anyone would listen to a quack on TV that is clearly getting paid to endorse garbage, over their own doctors who have been working with them for years and know their medical history in and out.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I hate going in to the office anymore, so I usually work from home a lot these days, but near me is a lot of religious people at work. I refer to it as the bible belt. When they're not praising Jesus, they're praising dr. Oz. The raspberry ketones thing came up quite a few times. Don't dare tell a dr. Oz fan that raspberry ketones don't work. Also don't discuss the gravitational lensing effect caused by a supermassive black hole in the bible belt either. Hmm or mention the fact that the spear of destiny carried by bishop Adhemar in the siege of Jerusalem during the first crusade was a fake either. Nevermind the fact that the normans, who constantly teased the franks about it being a fake, were actually inside Constantinople and met the emperor who already had one before they even left for Antioch. Experience talking here folks.
  • AprilRaineyBattle
    AprilRaineyBattle Posts: 114 Member
    Someone told me I was crazy because I said that cult leader came to mind when I asked what I thought of him....but I was soooo serious. This is just my personal experience but a lot of people who watch him say stuff like "Dr Oz says... "Dr Oz recommends..."Dr Oz suggests... and some follow him like he is the gospel truth over their own personal Dr. Its just not my cup of tea...
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My mom stopped taking her insulin because of this man. I hope he dies.

    And this would be a very extreme example of why I hate his show. So many people who, unfortunately for them, believe that his show consists of accurate medical advice, and they make changes in their lives based on that horrible information.

    Agreed. As fun as it is to make fun of the guy for being a quack, sadly, he's also putting out a lot of garbage information that can potentially harm someone. He doesn't always preface his information with, "talk to your doctor about this" either.

    I can't fully blame him. She has never been 100% compliant with her diseases. I just don't understand why anyone would listen to a quack on TV that is clearly getting paid to endorse garbage, over their own doctors who have been working with them for years and know their medical history in and out.

    I don't know either, but he is very charismatic. Sadly, this isn't the first time nor the most severe case I've personally heard where someone has stopped their meds.

    I saw on here about a month ago where a girl's mom stopped taking chemo for her cancer, which was successfully shrinking her tumors, to do some herbal pill supplement that Dr. Oz had on his show.
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    Nah I watch him because he does give out some knowledgable info

    Yes, he does! And I know people who never cared about what they ate who are trying wonderful healthy things like olive oil and avacado because Dr. Oz suggested it. He might not get it right all the time but, all in all, I think he's making a positive difference in the awareness that people have regarding their own ability to take care of themselves.
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member


  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    They have it on at the gym when I'm there. I just watch with my mouth hanging open in disbelief.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Dr. Oz likes to scare people. Basically everyone that's looking for the Fad diet or will this Kill me tune in. Sadly he's makes money for some BS and the real hero's in helping everyone get better end up getting no credit.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    hubby and i both work at whole foods market. i work in the office, but hubby works in his office and goes throughout the store since hes the computer guy. he said hes sick and tired of all these people coming in and asking if we have things that are way out there and the persons answer if we dont sell it, is usually, well dr oz said it works so it must be healthy so you should sell it. hes tired of dr. oz hawking all these products and endorsing all these things for a paycheck. every day somebody comes in saying dr oz said i should do this. the people in whole body say, thats not a good idea, well dr. oz says it is and i trust him more than you. to each his own.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    They have it on at the gym when I'm there. I just watch with my mouth hanging open in disbelief.

    That would be dangerous. I'd get all ironed up and throw a barbell plate at the TV.
  • Are you a doctor, or did you go to medical school and study rigorously? I don't like thate everyone here is trying to loose weight, loosing weight is a postive thing, but yet your focussing your energy on Doctor Oz? Yes the media makes stuff up or makes things bigger then it seems but maybe it is his beliefs and works for him. How can you say it doesn't work when clearly all of our bodies are different and react differently. It sounds and looks like to me with all the negative posters that you guys are miserble with yourself. focus on being happy with yourself, your weightloss goals, rather than immature bashing on a person we probally will never even see in person.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    A patient came into my lab telling me that Dr. Oz said people needed to be seen when their hands are blue. I asked her to show me these so called blue hands. It took everything not to bust up laughing..I had to say with a straight face.."Ma'am....those are your veins" I mean COME ON!!! REALLY!!!!