A bit about Dr. Oz.



  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    I watch dr oz. but I am smart enough to know that I should research anything that I see on his show. Sounds like common sense to me. Any sane person can see that he has an abundant supply of products because not everything will work for every person. I have learned a lot from his show. It isnt always about magic pills. they talk about other things that people may have going on. because of him, I became more comfortable with taking control of my own health. recently I asked my doctor to do some specific test (they have been unable to figure out what is going on with me). Im glad I did though, because several of the test came back abnormal.

    but any one who takes another human beings word for something without doing research on it (including dr oz.), needs to learn a lesson. smh.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Seriously? I not a forum person, but seriously? Are you guys aware of the amount of stupidity in this discussion? The man has a TV show.
    1) You're not forced to watch his TV show.
    2) It's his TV show, he can do whatever the **** he wants.
    3) If someone dies because of him it's their own damn fault.

    Like, seriously? Who the hell is stupid to the point of risking their life because of a guy on TV? It was your choice to watch the show and it was your choice to **** up. If I go on TV and tell you to buy a sword and start killing people with it will you do it? Of course not. If you don't have the judgement to make health related decisions and you do them based on a freaking TV show you shouldn't even be allowed to own a TV.

    I can honestly say that I have never once watched dr. Oz on TV and I don't even know what he looks like, however dr. Oz has a magical way of seeping out of the TV set and permeating the physical world. At that point you find yourself dodging dr. Oz fanatics in the strangest of places.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Yes- I do know the difference, but just becuase someone has a medical degree they are also allowed to have their own beliefs and what works on how they loose weight. I just was making a point, I'm seeing all these people posting things that are this and that don't work, well unless you have a medical degree or a nutritional degree then you can't say you know better than him.
    Are you a doctor, or did you go to medical school and study rigorously? I don't like thate everyone here is trying to loose weight, loosing weight is a postive thing, but yet your focussing your energy on Doctor Oz? Yes the media makes stuff up or makes things bigger then it seems but maybe it is his beliefs and works for him. How can you say it doesn't work when clearly all of our bodies are different and react differently. It sounds and looks like to me with all the negative posters that you guys are miserble with yourself. focus on being happy with yourself, your weightloss goals, rather than immature bashing on a person we probally will never even see in person.
    that was cute, i guess. but i would like to state that medical science is not based in one's "beliefs."

    Yes you can. It's called science, and most scientific literature is available freely if you know how to find it. Do you really believe everything some doctor tells you because he has an M.D.? If I did that, I'd be dead today. Last year, a doctor told me that my inability to breath and coughing fits were "just in my head." Thankfully, I went to the ER and turns out I had viral bronchitis with a secondary anti-biotic resistant bacterial infection. Glad I didn't just take him on faith because he had an M.D.

    Dr. Oz is out there making a LOT of money off of you and everyone else who buys the stuff he promotes. He relies on the fact that you don't do your own homework to sell products.

    I had a similar experience with an MD. Thought I was looking for sympathy until the blood work, which I insisted he complete, came back. I had an e. coli infection that could have killed me had I not demanded treatment.

    That pretty much ended my trust in the medical professionals of today.

    The only two doctors I trust anymore are my cardiologist (who was the only one who believed me when I told him I was having serious symptoms) and my gynecologist. You have to practically "interview" doctors these days to find a good one that you can trust and talks to you like a human being.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    People watch him because so many think there is that magic pill somewhere that will solve all their problems.

    For many men, this:


    was that pill.

    Blue Steel! Did you know they have a pill for women now? It's called Niagra.
  • cassienp
    cassienp Posts: 36
    People watch him because so many think there is that magic pill somewhere that will solve all their problems.

    For many men, this:


    was that pill.

    Ever seen the movie Love and other drugs.... it really proves what you said true.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    This is where Dr. Oz actually went to medical school.

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    This is where Dr. Oz actually went to medical school.


  • HypoToHealthy
    Seriously? I not a forum person, but seriously? Are you guys aware of the amount of stupidity in this discussion? The man has a TV show.
    1) You're not forced to watch his TV show.
    2) It's his TV show, he can do whatever the **** he wants.
    3) If someone dies because of him it's their own damn fault.

    Like, seriously? Who the hell is stupid to the point of risking their life because of a guy on TV? It was your choice to watch the show and it was your choice to **** up. If I go on TV and tell you to buy a sword and start killing people with it will you do it? Of course not. If you don't have the judgement to make health related decisions and you do them based on a freaking TV show you shouldn't even be allowed to own a TV.

    I can honestly say that I have never once watched dr. Oz on TV and I don't even know what he looks like, however dr. Oz has a magical way of seeping out of the TV set and permeating the physical world. At that point you find yourself dodging dr. Oz fanatics in the strangest of places.

    I'm not a Dr. Oz fanatic. I'm don't even watch his show. And I'm lucky enough to live in a country where people don't tend to follow celebrities like a cult or something. But I do think that the criticism should be more on the audience and less on the man.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Seriously? I not a forum person, but seriously? Are you guys aware of the amount of stupidity in this discussion? The man has a TV show.
    1) You're not forced to watch his TV show.
    2) It's his TV show, he can do whatever the **** he wants.
    3) If someone dies because of him it's their own damn fault.

    Like, seriously? Who the hell is stupid to the point of risking their life because of a guy on TV? It was your choice to watch the show and it was your choice to **** up. If I go on TV and tell you to buy a sword and start killing people with it will you do it? Of course not. If you don't have the judgement to make health related decisions and you do them based on a freaking TV show you shouldn't even be allowed to own a TV.
    Ever think of desperate people? People who are terrified of dying and will follow anyone who tells them they can be saved? It's so damn easy to judge them when it's not happening to you.

    It has nothing to do with being stupid. Very smart people buy into bunk and pay for it with their lives. They're scared. They're human.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Seriously? I not a forum person, but seriously? Are you guys aware of the amount of stupidity in this discussion? The man has a TV show.
    1) You're not forced to watch his TV show.
    2) It's his TV show, he can do whatever the **** he wants.
    3) If someone dies because of him it's their own damn fault.

    Like, seriously? Who the hell is stupid to the point of risking their life because of a guy on TV? It was your choice to watch the show and it was your choice to **** up. If I go on TV and tell you to buy a sword and start killing people with it will you do it? Of course not. If you don't have the judgement to make health related decisions and you do them based on a freaking TV show you shouldn't even be allowed to own a TV.

    I can honestly say that I have never once watched dr. Oz on TV and I don't even know what he looks like, however dr. Oz has a magical way of seeping out of the TV set and permeating the physical world. At that point you find yourself dodging dr. Oz fanatics in the strangest of places.

    I'm not a Dr. Oz fanatic. I'm don't even watch his show. And I'm lucky enough to live in a country where people don't tend to follow celebrities like a cult or something. But I do think that the criticism should be more on the audience and less on the man.

    I think there needs to be some balance of blame. The people watching his show should know better than to stop their chemo or insulin because he said something about some alternative therapy crap on his show. Yes, it is their fault for doing this against medical advice. However, he is making millions off of passing off bad/erroneous information on unsuspecting people. He even wears scrubs on his show just to reinforce his image. At the very least, it's grossly inappropriate for someone who is a board certified surgeon to do that. At the worst, he's committing fraud.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Seriously? I not a forum person, but seriously? Are you guys aware of the amount of stupidity in this discussion? The man has a TV show.
    1) You're not forced to watch his TV show.
    2) It's his TV show, he can do whatever the **** he wants.
    3) If someone dies because of him it's their own damn fault.

    Like, seriously? Who the hell is stupid to the point of risking their life because of a guy on TV? It was your choice to watch the show and it was your choice to **** up. If I go on TV and tell you to buy a sword and start killing people with it will you do it? Of course not. If you don't have the judgement to make health related decisions and you do them based on a freaking TV show you shouldn't even be allowed to own a TV.

    I can honestly say that I have never once watched dr. Oz on TV and I don't even know what he looks like, however dr. Oz has a magical way of seeping out of the TV set and permeating the physical world. At that point you find yourself dodging dr. Oz fanatics in the strangest of places.

    I'm not a Dr. Oz fanatic. I'm don't even watch his show. And I'm lucky enough to live in a country where people don't tend to follow celebrities like a cult or something. But I do think that the criticism should be more on the audience and less on the man.

    Lucky! LOL you don't know the half of it. Get me out of here! No seriously please, help me.
  • vivekg
    vivekg Posts: 35
    That's y i believe the most honest and best show on tv (well the closest to all honest shows) is The Doctors. They give out some real helpful tips without sounding too crazy and quack.
  • HypoToHealthy
    Seriously? I not a forum person, but seriously? Are you guys aware of the amount of stupidity in this discussion? The man has a TV show.
    1) You're not forced to watch his TV show.
    2) It's his TV show, he can do whatever the **** he wants.
    3) If someone dies because of him it's their own damn fault.

    Like, seriously? Who the hell is stupid to the point of risking their life because of a guy on TV? It was your choice to watch the show and it was your choice to **** up. If I go on TV and tell you to buy a sword and start killing people with it will you do it? Of course not. If you don't have the judgement to make health related decisions and you do them based on a freaking TV show you shouldn't even be allowed to own a TV.
    Ever think of desperate people? People who are terrified of dying and will follow anyone who tells them they can be saved? It's so damn easy to judge them when it's not happening to you.

    It has nothing to do with being stupid. Very smart people buy into bunk and pay for it with their lives. They're scared. They're human.

    You don't know what's happening to me to make that statement. I'm human and I'm not doing that. That's being naive, not human.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Another goofball that gave up his valuable education for the quick almighty buck.
  • HypoToHealthy
    Seriously? I not a forum person, but seriously? Are you guys aware of the amount of stupidity in this discussion? The man has a TV show.
    1) You're not forced to watch his TV show.
    2) It's his TV show, he can do whatever the **** he wants.
    3) If someone dies because of him it's their own damn fault.

    Like, seriously? Who the hell is stupid to the point of risking their life because of a guy on TV? It was your choice to watch the show and it was your choice to **** up. If I go on TV and tell you to buy a sword and start killing people with it will you do it? Of course not. If you don't have the judgement to make health related decisions and you do them based on a freaking TV show you shouldn't even be allowed to own a TV.

    I can honestly say that I have never once watched dr. Oz on TV and I don't even know what he looks like, however dr. Oz has a magical way of seeping out of the TV set and permeating the physical world. At that point you find yourself dodging dr. Oz fanatics in the strangest of places.

    I'm not a Dr. Oz fanatic. I'm don't even watch his show. And I'm lucky enough to live in a country where people don't tend to follow celebrities like a cult or something. But I do think that the criticism should be more on the audience and less on the man.

    Lucky! LOL you don't know the half of it. Get me out of here! No seriously please, help me.

    Well, come to Portugal then! Where the sun shines and the debt rises everyday! Yey! Lol
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    on the other hand, it's all about the tv show. hence, comes the entertainment, advertising, promotion, and all the carnival like...

    it's not a hospital or anything critical.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Seriously? I not a forum person, but seriously? Are you guys aware of the amount of stupidity in this discussion? The man has a TV show.
    1) You're not forced to watch his TV show.
    2) It's his TV show, he can do whatever the **** he wants.
    3) If someone dies because of him it's their own damn fault.

    Like, seriously? Who the hell is stupid to the point of risking their life because of a guy on TV? It was your choice to watch the show and it was your choice to **** up. If I go on TV and tell you to buy a sword and start killing people with it will you do it? Of course not. If you don't have the judgement to make health related decisions and you do them based on a freaking TV show you shouldn't even be allowed to own a TV.
    Ever think of desperate people? People who are terrified of dying and will follow anyone who tells them they can be saved? It's so damn easy to judge them when it's not happening to you.

    It has nothing to do with being stupid. Very smart people buy into bunk and pay for it with their lives. They're scared. They're human.

    You don't know what's happening to me to make that statement. I'm human and I'm not doing that. That's being naive, not human.
    You're right, I don't know what's going on with you. But I do know you're being judgmental and holier-than-thou in presuming that anyone who grasps at straws is an idiot. You don't have to be stupid to make bad decisions; that's what I'm saying is part of being human. Some people rely on prayer, others on holistic medicine, others on energy healing, and some people buy into what Dr. Oz says. It doesn't make them stupid, particularly if affording the extraordinarily-expensive forms of real medicine that would actually work is not realistically attainable for them. How can you seriously blame people for listening to the person who gives them hope?
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I will gleefully admit I like watching his show. I actually like him, but understand you must take his advice with a grain of salt, and understand he is on a TV show, and paid to engage and entertain people. I clearly don't get the whole quackery - Oz bashing side of things, but that's o.k. because I'm smart enough to figure out that, just like things written on the internet, don't believe everything you read.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Seriously? I not a forum person, but seriously? Are you guys aware of the amount of stupidity in this discussion? The man has a TV show.
    1) You're not forced to watch his TV show.
    2) It's his TV show, he can do whatever the **** he wants.
    3) If someone dies because of him it's their own damn fault.

    Like, seriously? Who the hell is stupid to the point of risking their life because of a guy on TV? It was your choice to watch the show and it was your choice to **** up. If I go on TV and tell you to buy a sword and start killing people with it will you do it? Of course not. If you don't have the judgement to make health related decisions and you do them based on a freaking TV show you shouldn't even be allowed to own a TV.

    Three words: Code of Ethics.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Seriously? I not a forum person, but seriously? Are you guys aware of the amount of stupidity in this discussion? The man has a TV show.
    1) You're not forced to watch his TV show.
    2) It's his TV show, he can do whatever the **** he wants.
    3) If someone dies because of him it's their own damn fault.

    Like, seriously? Who the hell is stupid to the point of risking their life because of a guy on TV? It was your choice to watch the show and it was your choice to **** up. If I go on TV and tell you to buy a sword and start killing people with it will you do it? Of course not. If you don't have the judgement to make health related decisions and you do them based on a freaking TV show you shouldn't even be allowed to own a TV.

    I can honestly say that I have never once watched dr. Oz on TV and I don't even know what he looks like, however dr. Oz has a magical way of seeping out of the TV set and permeating the physical world. At that point you find yourself dodging dr. Oz fanatics in the strangest of places.

    I agree with this, I've never seen the show, but I hear coworkers talking about his recommendations sometimes. One coworker tried HCG after he endorsed it.