

  • I've been doing insanity on and off for a year and 2.5 weeks consistently and still not losing weight. I eat 1200-1400 cals a day, I went over 3 times these lats weeks but not more then 1550 those days. I don't want to eat the full 1700 as I suck at insanity and can barley make it through the first 2 sets of the warm ups.…
  • I loved it after my first and second lost 30 pounds both times before getting pregnant again. It did not work after kid #3 not sure if my body knew my tricks or if I was following my points but eating the wrong foods. It is really easy to follow and allows for eating what you want without guilt as long as you count it. I…
  • I don't agree with it either, I had to put feeding tubes in my son and it was traumatic and gross having to check for stomach acid and what not. But after dieting (1200 calories) and exercising (insanity) for 7 months and only losing 8 pounds, I can see where they would be desperate and willing to try anything. She might…
  • Okay so I've been doing insanity for about 2 months I work out 4-5 times a week but I haven't started the Max as I was told it was crazy hard and I want to be a little more in shape for it (i.e. make it through the first set without dying). I started doing it while on WW didn't lose weight now I've been tracking calories…
  • Insanity it tough, but you really feel like you've accomplished something when you finish!! I say it is on the same level as Turbo Fire. I was doing insanity and it was HARD I felt worked afterward, I didn't feel that way with Turbo Fire maybe I didn't put enough effort in it as I was trying to figure out the moves. But…
  • I have been doing insanity on and off for months but I tried turbo fire this morning HIIT 30, I was totally uncoordinated and I don't feel as worked (sore) as to what I thought I would. Nothing like the can barely walk up the stairs that I get from insanity. I know I was struggling with the dance moves but I wasn't that…
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