Turbofire lovers



  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    today was day 4 of week 1 of my hybrid ( week 5 of p90x and week 3 of TF). i did fire 45. i like all of the cardio DVDs so far. i should probably say i LOVE all of the cardio dvds so far, LOL!

    yesterday and monday, i did the resistance dvds to p90x and added HiiT 15 and HiiT20. m, w, and f are going to 1. 5 hour long work outs. between the hiits, the hour long lifting, and then ab ripper x. but it's good!

    i have found that i REALLY like pushing myself as far as i can go. and watching your clothes get too big for you, is a HUGE benefit and incentive to keep pushing harder and harder!

    keep pressing play!!!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I think what scares me is how long the program it. 20 weeks just seems so long! But everyone had said how much weight they dropped doing it and that motivates me so much [/quote]

    It's only 20 weeks if you also bought the advanced series of workouts, otherwise the base package is a 90 day program. There is so much variety in the weeks that I don't think you'll get bored. Chalene does a great job of building the schedule to incorporate cardio, strength training, yoga/stretch, and ab workouts that you won't do the same one more than 2x in a week. Plus each Fire and HIIT is totally different so once you get the hang of things you can substitute longer/shorter workouts depending on your mood.
  • TropicalSeaShell
    I agree....you wont get bored! I think a good idea is to COMMIT to 90 days and then see when it goes from there. If you want to buy the advanced program, then go for it...or you could try another. :)

    So...today is my rest day...ahh...,how nice! Today is Day 17 and Im losing weight every day! This morning was another 1 pound lost! Thats 3 this week! Im on a roll!!!!!! So proud of myself for finally changing my 'diet'...now its a lifestyle makeover!

    good luck!! Check me out on TeamBB and in the WOWY Super Gym : FitnessIsMyBFF

  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 364 Member

    It's only 20 weeks if you also bought the advanced series of workouts, otherwise the base package is a 90 day program. There is so much variety in the weeks that I don't think you'll get bored. Chalene does a great job of building the schedule to incorporate cardio, strength training, yoga/stretch, and ab workouts that you won't do the same one more than 2x in a week. Plus each Fire and HIIT is totally different so once you get the hang of things you can substitute longer/shorter workouts depending on your mood.

    I just checked my thumb drive, I have them all to do the 20 weeks. =P I'm excited to try them. I do like how she slowly makes it harder, that makes it much more motivating!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    That's exactly right Sammy! I remember how much I grew to love the program as I got more into the workouts and how happy I was to know I had finally found my soulmate workout. When I next moved on to Insanity I was AMAZED at how much stronger my body was and how much more endurance I had built up. Chalene ROCKS!!!
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 364 Member
    I love them! I did day one (of the 20 week challenge) and found it really hard to keep up with, like once I figured out the move she started adding to it, then I realized it's because I don't have the "new to class" feature on mine since I just downloaded them. So I did day one again last night and still had a hard time but so much fun doing them. I can't believe how many calories I burn doing it! I am going to have my BF download Turbo Jam since those ones are a little easier and I think they will help me learn the moves a little better since I know nothing about kickboxing or punching! =P
  • JMFresh
    JMFresh Posts: 76 Member
    So... Please tell me how this program works....
    I recently finished the 30 day Shred - is this program similar?
    Do you do the workouts daily like in the 30DS?
    Is there a guide that tells you what DVD(s) to do on certain days or how many days a week you should do a certain DVD(s)?

    Please message me with responses. THANKS!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    All BB programs include a schedule for the 90 day duration (or whatever the program's duration is). Turbo Fire includes HIITs (high intensity interval training), steady state cardio (30 - 60 minutes each), strength training, yoga/stretching workouts. Each day is something new and each week builds off the previous ones so you build endurance and stamina while sweating like you've never sweated before. The schedule provides 6x/week workouts but you can certainly do less and build yourself up to that if that's too much. I love Turbo Fire and think it's the best cardio program on the market.
  • sugarcrane2
    I have been doing insanity on and off for months but I tried turbo fire this morning HIIT 30, I was totally uncoordinated and I don't feel as worked (sore) as to what I thought I would. Nothing like the can barely walk up the stairs that I get from insanity. I know I was struggling with the dance moves but I wasn't that far off (I think). Do most of you feel fine afterwards or did I just suck it today and once I get the moves down the pain will come? It was hard and I felt worked during it so that was good just not the after feeling.
  • jlebert716
    jlebert716 Posts: 92 Member
    I love turbofire! I have done a bunch of the dvds but havent followed the schedule, but that is changing for me today! I really dont like the tone and sculpt dvds so will probably switch those with something else, maybe jillian michaels or p90x so I still get some strength training in!
  • lkarinal
    lkarinal Posts: 107
    It's only 12 weeks, 20 weeks is only if you buy the advance turbo fire videos. I'm in week 12 now, and lost 20lbs hope this could serve as an encouragement!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Did you hear the big news??? New Turbo Fire workout dvds are being released tomorrow (April 4)!!!! Among the new offerings are 2 HiiT workouts and both are low impact (no jumping)!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    me!!! I love it! I just did Fire 60 this morning and burned 1022 calories :) I've done the complete program, now I am in month 2 of a turbo fire /chalean extreme hybrid program.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Im on week 6 day 3 it's my day off and I love it feel free to add me!
  • turbophoenix
    omg, I am such a turbo addict. Yesterday I had a rough day and all I could think of was going home to get my Turbo "fix" because then I would feel so much better (and I was right!)

    I think my favorite workout is FIRE 45 or FIRE 45 EZ but I love all of them :)
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    I absolutely love turbo fire. I'm only on Week 3 though so I have plenty to go!
  • kellabella83
    I love Turbo Fire!!! I also really like Turbo Jam too. I just started doing Turbo Fire last week. I am the only one that thought it was hard to keep up with all the choreography at first? After my 2nd class I started getting used to it and now Im able to keep up.

    The HIIT videos are crazy!!! But in a good way, on the days you're supposed to do a Fire class and HIIT class do you spread them out during the day or do you do them back to back?

    Has anyone done the 5-Day Inferno Plan, if so how much weight did you loose?

    Is there a group for Turbo Fire, if not there should be :smile:
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    I finished the 20 weeks, did other programs, now repeating week 13 on, I am now on week 15 and still love it.

    Friend request coming your way!
  • adswillis27
    adswillis27 Posts: 76 Member
    Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, ChaLEAN Extreme grad here! Can you tell I love Chalene! Turbo Fire is by far my favorite! I'm doing Les Mills PUMP now with Turbo Fire on the walking sessions.

    I'll be buying the new Turbo Fire workouts when they release tomorrow. So exciting!
  • turbophoenix
    The HIIT videos are crazy!!! But in a good way, on the days you're supposed to do a Fire class and HIIT class do you spread them out during the day or do you do them back to back?

    I do them back to back just to get them done. Besides, then I only have to get all sweaty once!

    Also all you turbo peeps, I'm still fairly new here and looking for more friends so feel free to add me :)