

  • I'm 36 with 4 kids and a full time desk job. Let's do this!!
  • I love dark hair and olive toned skin on my guys! Guess it's a good thing my hubby has a pretty good bit of Italian in his bloodline...hehe!
  • I don't run PERIOD, EVER! lol....I walk on the highest setting of incline as fast as I can without actually getting into a jog/run pace. Usually I do this for roughly 45 min a day. Then I alternate upper and lower body strength training with it. That is how my trainer started me out exercising again and it has worked so I…
  • Hello..... My name is Jenn as well. I have 4 kids, a husband, and a sit on my butt all day job too! (which also includes a total of 3 hours driving to and from work!!!) Needless to say, I spend A LOT of time on my rear....... I just started this a week or so ago and really need the motivation as well, not only to stay on…
  • Hello! Awesome job on the 16 lbs down so far!!! I am looking to lose 40-50 lbs also. I did it before and then had twin boys.....there 3 now so I can no longer use them as an I'm new to this site as of this week and would love a cheering squad as well as to do some cheering on too. Add me if you'd like.......