

  • Thank you! I will certainly add her! My ENT isn't totally sure about me cutting out everything...he just tells me moderation. If I have coffee, have one cup. If I want a chocolate bar, split one with a friend. If I want to have chips, don't sit down and eat the whole bag.
  • I'm 20 years old and have had facial hair since freshman year of high school. I was recently put on Spironolactone, it blocks the production of the hormone that causes the facial hair growth. I've only been on it a few weeks, and it can take at least 6 months before I see and results, but I am hopeful. It also helps to…
  • I'm 20 years old and was diagnosed with PCOS 4 years ago. I'm struggling to lose weight and could use the motivation and positivity from others who have PCOS as well.