cbayati Member


  • "x hug x I'm working on the screenplay right now... Who do you want to play you in the movie? Can Bradley Cooper be the guy? rofl - Such a fun story. Thank you for sharing. " YES BRADLEY COOPER AHGIDHGDSAIGHDAS
  • You sound like ME! So much like me! lol This made me think of the commercial where the guy falls off the treadmill and there's videos up of it... I'll find it: Hahaha maybe if you fell off a treadmill he would notice and you'd get his attention? Rofl, I'm sorry, I'm a nut and I've…
  • I'm 20. Been there. I'm really into someone, and sometimes, I'd like to think we'd be PERFECT and maybe I do love him? But then again, I agree, love is a CHOICE. Don't base it off a feeling or you'll be disappointed. Those feelings come and go. You have to CHOOSE to love him on a day where he's treating you like garbage,…
  • Thank you for every idea!! IF any of you want to be friends, I'm game! I appreciate all the responses :)
  • I would LOVE to!! I'm the same way you are, but girl, we need to stay close and there's power in numbers!
  • I dislike it. I mean, I'm content, it's where God put me at the moment, and I trust He will lead me to the right one...but...I'M SO IMPATIENT! I mean, watching love movies kills me. It makes me vie for that relationship where this guy is someone who WANTS to be around you most of the time, views you as the only girl for…
  • 1. When people ask for paper bags when they have eggs and a loaf of bread. (I'm a cashier) 2. When people use the Lord's name in vain...or try to misspell God like "omg, gawd, gawsh"...c'mon. 3. Tailgating. Both types. 4. Calling you a poser when you are just trying to change the way you are. 5. People who say "they have…
  • I think we're close? ish? SW: 205lbs CW: 207lbs GW: 150 SIZE 6 is swell! But I'm aiming for at least a 9 I've tried to be athletic and failed. I love cardio and stink with fitness!
  • I think we are kinda close? age: 19 Starting weight: 205lbs Current weight: 207lbs Goal weight: 150lbs
  • I am a fraternal twin, but this sounds cool to me, though I read through these and I haven't really found anyone like me. 19 years old SW: 205lbs CW: 207lbs (ahhhh!) GW: 150lbs Date? I have no idea. I would hope this year, and as soon as I could!!! -Christie B
  • I like buffalo blue cheese pizza from Mark's. Grr. Chocolate peanut butter pretzals. Soft serve chocolate ice cream and Trumoo chocolate milk. Iced Capps/Frappuccino's from Tim Horton's and Starbucks Watermelon and blueberries are good too but way too expensive
  • This is everything in my head. Goodness, I thought I was the only one wallowing in despair when stores didn't carry a 14 :/
    in NSG Comment by cbayati March 2012