

  • I absolutely 100% agree about HIIT cardio (High Intensity Interval Training). You literally only spend 20-30 minutes doing cardio when you do do it. I love it. I do it on my lunch breaks. As far as weight lifting goes, I would suggest lifting heavy, and hitting the big 3 compound lifts: Bench, Squat, and Deadlifts. Don't…
  • According to some scientific research in the book that I've read called Bigger, Leaner, Stronger by Mike Matthews, he talks about how having 1 cheat MEAL (not a cheat day) is actually psychologically and physiologically good for you. It helps your body and mind. But you're right. It's really easy to fall and fall hard. I'd…
  • Hi Freya! I started on a program called Bigger, Leaner, Stronger from Muscle For Life by Mike Matthews. It's a great program. He has another program geared towards women called Thinner, Leaner Stronger. He goes into the importance of lifting weights, and even talks about the fears of "getting big" muscle wise as a woman. I…
  • Hi, Tocara! I just started my MFL plan. Sorry this is pretty much exactly 6 months late, but here i am nonetheless. You're welcome to befriend me and see what my meals look like. I went with the custom meal plan. I'm in my 2nd week of it, and learning to tweak everything according to the calories I'm supposed to be having…
  • Don't use as much weight, and do more repetition. This creates leaner muscle. Also, because you are right handed, you have to work that much harder on your left arm, so you probably push yourself with your left more than you do your right. That is the only reason I could think of why your left arm is bulkier than your…