

  • http://www.sabaforlife.com/en/81/default.aspx
    in ACE Comment by leahmac98 April 2012
  • I don't think I had any muscle to lose in the first place. lol I didn't start exercising until I'd lost a lot of the weight. Now I'm doing Pilates and having no trouble building muscle. I just like the pills because they help me not want to eat all the time.
    in ACE Comment by leahmac98 April 2012
  • I've lost all of my weight using it and so have many friends. We have been able to keep it off because it trains you to eat smaller portions and get over sweet and salty cravings. I could not have accomplished what I have without ACE. Now that I'm on here and monitoring my caloric intake and exercising more, I feel that…
    in ACE Comment by leahmac98 March 2012
  • I'm doing Pilates. Lots of great exercises for toning the abs. I use the "Ten Minute Solution"Pilates DVD. It has a whole section just for abs. It's killer! But it's helping!
  • I have been doing Pilates this month and can already tell a big difference. I'm really busy, so I do the "10 Minute Solution" Pilates DVD. It also comes with a band to use. I do 3 or 4 of the workouts every morning. They're easy to follow and fun! I also like that they're 10 minutes long and I can watch the time on my DVD…
  • My doctor told me this week that the lowest she ever lets anyone go is 1200 Calories per day, but if you're exercising, you need 1500. I've compromised with 1275..... :)