

  • Congratulations! And what do you mean you're not a success!? Of course you are! Your self-esteem should be at the top of the charts! You have accomplished so much for yourself and for your family. Great job and keep us posted on how you're doing. :happy:
  • Everyone handles dieting differently. I would not call it a bad idea, maybe a bad idea for some, and if it is bad or you or anyone else for that matter then they should not do it; however, that doesn't mean it is a bad idea for everyone. I had lost more weight in the weeks when I did go over my calorie goad and just…
  • I could not have said this better and I agree completely. We all have those things we really crave and if you do then take a day of the week, like a Friday evening and sit down and enjoy some of the foods you miss. I do this and I actually do lose more weight. I don't do it every week, but I do it when I get to the point…
  • Agree totally that the elliptical does work! :smile:
  • I have an elliptical and I find it helps me. I can feel that my calfs and up thighs are more toned. But the main thing to remember is that you are up and moving and exercising. How can it not be good? Obviously it is doing something, you know it is burning calories and it has you up and moving! So if you enjoy it, then do…