The elliptical doesn't do anything?

Everytime I tell someone about my workout routine that involves an hour on the elliptical and a half an hour of weights, why is it that they always say ' oh I heard the elliptical doesn't do anything to your body' or something along those lines. This makes no sense. I feel very tired and sore after the elliptical for that long, is it actually possible that it's not making any improvement on my body what so ever? I go at a fast pase and burn around 600 calories in that time frame. I thought I was doing awesome!


  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    No really it doesn't do much of anything at all. No matter how much you pedal it just stays in the same place. Pretty sorry machine if you ask me.

    It does a pretty good job of giving you a cardio workout though. :-)
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    It's a cardio workout. Nothing wrong with that.

    I think you might see different results if you swapped, and did an hour of weights 3-5 days a week, and 30 minutes on the elliptical a couple days a week.

    That's assuming you want different results, though. If you're happy with how things are going, keep on keeping on. At some point you may start finding the routine boring or less challenging, and at that point considering changing things up - do intervals for 20 minutes on the elliptical or treadmill instead, or take a group class, or walk outside.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    No really it doesn't do much of anything at all. No matter how much you pedal it just stays in the same place. Pretty sorry machine if you ask me.

    It does a pretty good job of giving you a cardio workout though. :-)
    same logic goes for treadmills, stationary bikes, and stair climbers...
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Everytime I tell someone about my workout routine that involves an hour on the elliptical and a half an hour of weights, why is it that they always say ' oh I heard the elliptical doesn't do anything to your body' or something along those lines. This makes no sense. I feel very tired and sore after the elliptical for that long, is it actually possible that it's not making any improvement on my body what so ever? I go at a fast pase and burn around 600 calories in that time frame. I thought I was doing awesome!
    Eh, who cares what people say.

    I noticed from experience the people whol tell me it doesnt do anything either A. never used it or B. used it and went so slow it was like they were in slow motion!

    If you like it, go at it and keep on keeping on!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It depends...the elliptical doesn't do a whole lot for me, but I have pretty specific fitness goals. Ellipticals are fine for just getting in some cardio but they are not going to have any kind of profound impact on your body composition though which is where many people may be coming from with that comment.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Get an ElliptiGo

  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    People are real dream-crushers. What are they doing to stay fit?
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    It has the same benefits and drawbacks of any cardio exercise. It burns calories and exercises your CV system, both of which are good. The downside is, if you are spending an hour a day on it. Which brings up the question: is that the most appropriate use of your time to meet your fitness goals? Could you spend that hour doing something more directly related to what you want to achieve?

    For example: if your goal is to get stronger, then spending an hour doing (presumably) steady state cardio might be an hour better spent moving some iron around.

    Alternatively: if you just want to burn calories, then might you be better off doing 15 minutes of HIIT (on the elliptical, even)? You'll burn almost as many calories, give your heart and lungs a really good workout, and then get on with your day.

    So, the answer is, of course, it depends!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Get an ElliptiGo


    those are actually pretty cool...I was at my local bike shop over the weekend and they had a few of these and let me try it out...I definitely prefer a traditional bicycle, but it was pretty cool.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
  • I have an elliptical. Sweat like a savage for an hour every time! I use it for cardio and I love it. I have seen results with it so find what works for you:)
  • Dr1nkbleachndye
    Dr1nkbleachndye Posts: 441 Member
    The elliptical works. Don't let anyone tell u other wise.

    I do all my cardio while working, but the low impact nature of the elliptical, with the ability to vary the resistance makes it very useful and a tough workout depending on the intensity.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    Get an ElliptiGo


    That thing is cool! Strange looking, but what an interesting contraption! (I'm a bike rider and hate exercising indoors).

    When I see my MFP friends' elliptical workout calorie burns, I am often envious as I would have to ride my bike really hard or run a good deal faster than is comfortable for me, to get an equivalent burn in the same amount of time. But I would still much rather exercise outdoors if I can.

    As others have said, what an elliptical is good for, is the calorie burn. And you'll probably slowly develop stronger muscles too-- though not nearly as quickly as if you were doing weight exercises.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    my two cents…

    reverse your order..

    hour weight lifting, thirty minutes on the elliptical….
  • trishamae
    trishamae Posts: 5
    I have an elliptical and I find it helps me. I can feel that my calfs and up thighs are more toned. But the main thing to remember is that you are up and moving and exercising. How can it not be good? Obviously it is doing something, you know it is burning calories and it has you up and moving! So if you enjoy it, then do it. It's better to work out on a machine you enjoy than to buy one that you don't like and never set foot on it...right?
  • dsalveson
    dsalveson Posts: 306 Member
    Spending an hour on the elliptical sounds absolutely mind-numbing.
  • trishamae
    trishamae Posts: 5
    Agree totally that the elliptical does work!
  • arielfirby
    arielfirby Posts: 12
    Elliptical does work! I've lost 15 pounds in two months using that and 45 to 60 min of weights three times a week too.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I watched a guy do 45 minutes of elliptical right next to me...backward. He was moving his feet as if he were walking backward instead of forward. I tried it myself, and it was really hard. I wonder if you get more of a workout that way?
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    The elliptical does work. It is my main workout. I also do some very light weights while in the treadmill and some leg presses. I especially feel like the elliptical works my obliques.

    Edited to add that it is really important to put your weight in the machine if you are using its reading for calorie burning. It varries a lot by a person's weight, so if the person before has heavier, it will look like you burned more.