

  • Here's one that sounds even crazier - Olive Oil! When I was pregnant with my first child, my skin turned blotchy, dry and just plain horrible. Everyone told me that it was hormones...but he's now eight and I still had issues with my skin. That is until I came across oil cleansing. It sounded like the craziest and easiest…
  • I look absolutely ridiculous when I run. I shuffle. And not a Party Rock Anthem shuffle. A senior citizen on the way to bingo shuffle. But it gets the job done This is the funniest thing I read all day. It's true though, go with what feels comfortable.
  • I went to the gym, did a cardio class & went to take a shower...well, I almost blacked out. It took everything in me to concentrate & not lose focus. I got out of the shower, sat on a bench for 10 minutes, while the room was spinning & fading in & out. I've never experienced anything like that before. All I could do was…
  • I just started it last week and one thing I wasn't prepared for was the extra 30 minutes. It was tough and I was completely exhausted but it felt good. If you never tried it before, maybe take one class before making a commitment.
  • I tried on a pair of jeans yesterday that I haven't been able to wear for 7 years...before I had my two boys! LOL