

  • Hi and welcome!:smile: My initial goal is to lose 66 pounds. If or when I accomplish that, I'll set a new goal to get the rest off. I have just started and have a long way to go. Good luck!:smooched:
  • Thanks, I usually don't do well in group settings because I am never in the same place at the same time! I have a pretty hectic life that starts early and ends late. However, that is one of the first things I am working on -- setting a routine for myself.:wink:
  • Thanks, My life is pretty hectic and I'm pretty inconsistent. As soon as I can set a routine for myself, I can really get going!:smile:
  • Well, I going to give this a try. I hate failing at anything even though I've failed every diet I've ever tried. HOWEVER, this is a new day! :laugh: