805surf Member


  • Thank you so much for your support! You're definitely right it's all about mental state. Sometimes it just takes that little kick to lose 2 or 3 pounds and then bingo you prove to yourself that you can do it and then you get into a positive cycle of work and affirmation and results. Sometimes the ball gets rolling the…
  • Broke my 3-week plateau and 4 pounds dropped off of me this week alone. My max bench press went up 10 lbs too which makes me happy, it worries me when I lose weight too fast and get weak. The surf also picked up and made me work harder so I didn't have to hit the elliptical so much this week, that's always a bonus. 60…
  • I am an ex-fat kid. Was 6'3" 330 at 19, went to 180 (too skinny) by 22, back to 235 by age 36 (recently). I have dropped a little over 20 lbs since October - down to 213 right now. My ticker says I've lost 16 or so but I didnt' start tracking until 230. Goal weight is 205, then I plan to focus on strength training and up…