

  • I wanted to give an update on how my diet is going. When on the previous plan, I felt strong hunger cravings on the low carb days making it very difficult to not cheat. I have since stopped the carb cycling, sticking 280g of daily carbs throughout the whole week except for one weekly cheat meal. The previous plan was not…
  • You're right. That is an important point to miss. Simple carbs post workout aid muscle recovery. Does it say to simulaneosly keep fat low? From what I understand, post-workout meal fat content should be as low as possible. Not sure exactly why but it makes sence that fat doesn't help to restore glycogen levels at all.
  • Man! Believe me when I tell you that I am doing a slow cut and still losing LBM. I'm losing roughly 2 lbs per week with about 1 lbs of that being fat and the other pound being LBM. I think I still need to give it time to settle body fluctuations, but I guess that's a sure sign of an ecto morph!
  • As of 12/2/2012, I have implemented carb cycling. It goes something like this (note that 2600 are my maintenance calories, a number like 55/30/15 corresponds to carb/protein/fat percentages of total calories, and leptin is a metabolism/hunger/fat-burning hormone): Calorie deficit for 3 days followed by a surplus for 1 day…
  • I looked into carbohydrate backloading. It seems like this is the jist of it: Eat carbs (any carb you want, i.e, junk food) at a time where your body is least sensitive to insulin. This happens to be at night time. This is interesting considering most of what you hear tells you that you should not eat a lot before bed.…
  • I strongly suggest you read Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto. (do it before reading anything from Lyle Macdonald) At least google him and start reading some of his stuff. He's my favorite author!
  • I have been following Tom Venuto for over five years and find his philosophies to cut through all of the diet non-sense while getting down to common sense. I've read Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle part I and part II and while enjoying both, I found part II to be more useful. The biggest thing I got from part II is that…
  • Hmm. Interesting. You've made some good points. This subject is interesting enough to make me want to keep looking into it and try it. I am currently on a program (inspired by Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle) in which I track on a spreadsheet my weekly calories, macronutrient ratios, measured body fat, body…
  • I appreciate your feedback. You definately have more experience with Paleo than I do. From what I understand, Paleo dieters do not eat starchy vegetables. Is that correct? Does this mean no yams or potatos? What else do you exclude? Dairy? Baked yams are one of my favorites when a high calorie, high nutrient, slow…
  • I am still in the process of evaluating Paleo. Here's what I feel so far: 1) This golden rule still holds true -"Calorie surplus = weight gain (fat and/or muscle)" "Calorie deficit = weight loss". If a Paleo diet causes you to eat less calories than you burn, then of course you're going to lose weight! 2) It seems much…