Paleo Diet



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My nutritionist mentioned that I should try the Paleo diet. So, I ordered the book on line at Amazon. This diet is not for me! It just doesn't make sense to me. I would have to take a lot of things out of my diet, and I am not willing to do that~especially that they are good for me! It's not for everyone, but it may work for you! I guess it's great for people with diabetes!

    LMAO So even a nutritionist (someone educated exactly on the subject at hand) is wrong if they recommend the Paleo diet? So the nutritionist doesn't know what is healthy and is giving you advice to make you less healthy? Is it possible that the nutritionist might know something that you don't? WHY is it great for people with diabetes? Are you aware that Type 2 diabetes is caused by diet/lifestyle and can be prevented by diet/lifestyle??? I suppose it makes more sense to wait until one has full blown diabetes, loses a foot, maybe their eyesight, before taking action to change; I've lost count of how many times I've encountered that "logic". (No I am NOT saying that the Paleo way of eating is the only answer for everything for everyone.)

    I totally accept your choice to not want to change to the Paleo way of eating. What I don't accept, and what I am seeing so often in this thread and others, is the notion that "I don't agree with this, so it is wrong" attitude (which you allude to by suggesting that the nutritionist is telling you to exclude food that is "good for you".)

    Seriously, you need to take a step away from the computer and chill. If you calmly re-read the post to which you replied you will see that it does not say "I don't agree with this, so it is wrong" . It says "I am not willing to do that~especially that they are good for me! It's not for everyone, but it may work for you!"

    Stress and anger are very bad for you health. Don't get so worked up just because others want to eat something you don't, or are able to be healthy while eating things that make you sick. It's not something you can change with words.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Holy crap this is a lot of info for me to process. I am not looking for something super restrictive & I LOVE my carbs. I just not sure how to change my diet to achieve results. I know it needs to change and keep hearing about this diet. Thank you everyone for all the information.

    Then this lifestyle is NOT for you. Until you get sick of being sick you likely will find it too "restrictive". I do not find it restrictive at all. If your sole focus is purely weight loss and you expect to continue eating a Standard American Diet and see no problem with that, then continue what you are doing. Personally, I did see a problem with eating highly processed food because it was killing me, and until recently, I didn't care that it was killing me. I would also suggest doing some indepth research into food politics, nutrition, biology, anthropology, agriculture (past and present), anthropology, ethnography, etc. Just asking opinions in an online forum isn't going to give you real information, especially when many of the people who are sharing their strong opinions have no first-hand experience with the subject.

    D*** you really are angry aren't you? What makes you think the OP is sick?

    I'm angry because I speak in a direct manner and from personal experience? Or am I "angry" just because you disagree with me and want to belittle my character? Brilliant.

    I'm really not getting into this with people who haven't even tried Paleo. Newsflash: obesity is "sick". Acid reflux, indigestion, gas, bloating, tooth decay, depression, craving, over-eating etc is "sick". Instead of belittling and ridiculing why don't you try asking "what illnesses did you treat by changing your diet?". You might learn something interesting; or not, since you think we are all just "angry".

    I would rather ask, why do you think a diet use to treat your personal illnesses should be tried by everyone, or anyone else?

    I don't know who you are referring to when you say I think you "all" are angry, but I was actually only referring to you and your post telling the OP she was sick and suggesting you knew her plans for future eating and how wrong she was for having those plans. It certainly read as an angry post to me.

    Did I say everyone should try this? Look again at the Title of this thread and at the original post. The information/opinions were requested. (I'm pretty sure that I came to the conclusion that the OP would not find Paleo a good fit; I had assumed that she knew more about what she was asking than she did.)

    So, my illnesses are unique to me... really, interesting...

    Yes, obese/over-weight is sick. I may be wrong in assuming that this person is over-weight but then why the thread?

    It wasn't intended as an angry post. I am very direct and honest. What I can't stand though is people talking against something that they have no first-hand experience with and riduculing/belittling others that do. That DOES bother me, but I better grow some thicker skin because that seems to be the norm here.

    Most of us have experience eating grains, dairy and legumes. And it is almost exclusively the things Paleo excludes because someone decided they were unhealthy that is talked against. You don't have to exclude something to know it can be part of a healthy diet. You just have to eat it and be healthy.

    Also, obese/overweight is not necessarily "sick". Sick means illness. Not everyone that is overweight has an illness.

    It's precisely because of our society's assurance and promotion that grains and legumes are healthy that I spent so long sick and suffering. So, knowing I was eating all those healthy foods did NOT manifest in good health for me; quite the opposite. In fact, I shouldn't even still be alive. So, yup, I ate it, all my life and why wasn't I healthy, as promised? "You just have to eat it and be healthy".... read that sentence again... LOL (It sounds like: don't ask questions; keep taking your medicine! (evil laugh...))

    You may not think obesity is illness. I do. Our bodies do not get obese when fed properly. Our bodies do not suffer many common illnesses when fed properly. That's my understanding and experience based on research and trial and error. Feel free to replace "our" with "my".

    Nope, I wouldn't have believed what I'm saying 10 years ago either so I understand our inability to come to common ground. However, I might not have believed it, but I wouldn't have argued against it without having tried it first.

    The difference is my understanding that not everyone is the same. You seem to suggest that because eating overly processed grains and legumes made you sick, that eating whole grains and legumes will make everyone sick. And that simply isn't the case. Just as you were never "promised" good health from overeating processed grains and legumes. If you took the general recommendation of "grains are part of a healthy diet" as a promise that eating sugar and white flour would make you healthy, that is hardly the fault of those that made the recommendation.

    Almonds are generally considered a healthy food. But they are no promise of health and can be deadly to some.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I can't eat truly paleo as a vegan, but for me personally, I feel way better when I have no grains and lots of protein. It could be worth a try if you are interested, OP, you can always change your mind. No commitment necessary, free trial :flowerforyou:
  • josiahutah
    Hmm. Interesting. You've made some good points. This subject is interesting enough to make me want to keep looking into it and try it. I am currently on a program (inspired by Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle) in which I track on a spreadsheet my weekly calories, macronutrient ratios, measured body fat, body weight, lean body mass and any other training and nutrition variables. If a week goes by where there is no progress (progess defined as body fat decrease and lean body mass increase or sustainment) then I change one and only one variable. This pinpoints the exact variable that works or doesn't work for my body. I try that for a week and see how my body responds. If if works, I keep it. I can see how a low carb, Paleo style diet would be useful to try. (Especially since I was planning on temporarily replacing starchy carbs with fibrous ones anyway -(replacing brown rice, whole grain breads, and potato varieties with spinich, carrots, broccoli, califlower, peppers, onions, cucumbers, green beens, and other veggies)) One thing that I am DEFINATELY not sold on is a high fat diet (especially saturated fats). I.e. I'm pretty certain that if I were to increase my fat intake to 60% of total calories, my blood cholesterol would rise to unhealthy levels.
  • paleofatman
    The "paleo" diet is a valid diet, regardless of the naysayers. The basis of the "lifestyle" as some call it, is one basically avoids processed foods and ingest only "real" food: fresh vegetables and meat from ruminants such as beef, goat, lamb, etc. One can get all the vitamins and nutrients one requires from actually small amounts of such real food.

    I have lost 60 pounds in three years just by being paleo-ish. In the last five months I've lost 20 pounds by paying attention to the rules: no sugar, abolutely no grain products such as bread, pasta, oatmeal, etc. (These items have lots of quickly metabolised energy but no real nutrition.

    Another benefit is that in the last three years I have not needed to visit the doctor's office at all. I used to be cursed with the flu every year and a cold almost every month of the winter months. I've suffered from gout for the last 25 years, a truly painful malady. However, since having gone paleo, I have not suffered any of these problems. My diagnosed pre-diabetes has completely, repeat COMPLETELY, disappeared. My blood pressure, formerly 140/110, is now steady at 105/65. (I am 60 years old.)

    Fat is not our enemy as the government, et. al., would have us believe. We evolved eating animals known for their ability to carry visceral fat and, if fortunate, high intra-muscular fat. If you look at a graph, since 1975 when our oh-so-smart politicans decided saturated fat was bad, diabetes and obesity, a.k.a., diabesity, has steadily climbed.

    Many naysayers claim this menu is too restrictive. My answer to that is an unequivacal "bull****." There are now many paleo cookbooks on the market not to mention many, many more blogs with recipes. How can a diet using all the various fresh veggies and all the various meats be restrictive? I drink a coconut shake made with coconut milk, egg yolks, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, and a pureed date for sweetness three or four times per week. Like hamburgers or cheeseburgers? Slap one together and scarf it down, just don't eat the bun. French fries cooked in duck fat are simply to die for. In the winter months I regularly cook a stew using a variety of veggies with a variety of meats, including offal. Restrictive? Nope, not at all. Those tossing that word around haven't a frickin' clue what they are talking about.

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    The "paleo" diet is a valid diet, regardless of the naysayers. The basis of the "lifestyle" as some call it, is one basically avoids processed foods and ingest only "real" food: fresh vegetables and meat from ruminants such as beef, goat, lamb, etc. One can get all the vitamins and nutrients one requires from actually small amounts of such real food.

    I have lost 60 pounds in three years just by being paleo-ish. In the last five months I've lost 20 pounds by paying attention to the rules: no sugar, abolutely no grain products such as bread, pasta, oatmeal, etc. (These items have lots of quickly metabolised energy but no real nutrition.

    Another benefit is that in the last three years I have not needed to visit the doctor's office at all. I used to be cursed with the flu every year and a cold almost every month of the winter months. I've suffered from gout for the last 25 years, a truly painful malady. However, since having gone paleo, I have not suffered any of these problems. My diagnosed pre-diabetes has completely, repeat COMPLETELY, disappeared. My blood pressure, formerly 140/110, is now steady at 105/65. (I am 60 years old.)

    Fat is not our enemy as the government, et. al., would have us believe. We evolved eating animals known for their ability to carry visceral fat and, if fortunate, high intra-muscular fat. If you look at a graph, since 1975 when our oh-so-smart politicans decided saturated fat was bad, diabetes and obesity, a.k.a., diabesity, has steadily climbed.

    Many naysayers claim this menu is too restrictive. My answer to that is an unequivacal "bull****." There are now many paleo cookbooks on the market not to mention many, many more blogs with recipes. How can a diet using all the various fresh veggies and all the various meats be restrictive? I drink a coconut shake made with coconut milk, egg yolks, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, and a pureed date for sweetness three or four times per week. Like hamburgers or cheeseburgers? Slap one together and scarf it down, just don't eat the bun. French fries cooked in duck fat are simply to die for. In the winter months I regularly cook a stew using a variety of veggies with a variety of meats, including offal. Restrictive? Nope, not at all. Those tossing that word around haven't a frickin' clue what they are talking about.


    Yeah................ the paleo diet also saved my dog and paid my mortgage.....j/k.
  • paleofatman
    Please stop calling this diet paleo, you cannot eat paleo in modern society. It is impossible.

    Sure, it's rather difficult to hunt down a mammoth these days but that's not what paleo means today. It means to eat real food, not boxed or canned crud containing all those yummy chemicals. Fresh veggies, meat, and quality fat, all available in our modern society.

    That is all.

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    haters gonna hate

    for anyone really interested in this "style" of eating, please realize that the naysayers and haters are relentless. They wont say it is unhealthy because they must know it isn't, but will misrepresent it to make their point. why are they like this? because they can be.

    find a group if you need ideas etc or just start doing it.

    if you end up not liking it, at least you will know what you are talking about first hand, unlike the haters.
  • paleofatman
    Neanderthin said:
    Yeah................ the paleo diet also saved my dog and paid my mortgage.....j/k.

    You may be joking but it did save my dog. She had a skin disease that would not go away and was costing a small fortune in meds and vet visits. I tried "paleo" on her and the disease went away in two months, her coat is shiny, and she no longer constantly whines and scratches herself all day long.

    Processed foods, no matter the intended consumer, or victim, should be avoided.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Yeah................ the paleo diet also saved my dog and paid my mortgage.....j/k.

    You may be joking but it did save my dog. She had a skin disease that would not go away and was costing a small fortune in meds and vet visits. I tried "paleo" on her and the disease went away in two months, her coat is shiny, and she no longer constantly whines and scratches herself all day long.

    Processed foods, no matter the intended consumer, or victim, should be avoided.


    Doesn't seem like you do a very good job of avoiding processed foods
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Neanderthin said:
    Yeah................ the paleo diet also saved my dog and paid my mortgage.....j/k.

    You may be joking but it did save my dog. She had a skin disease that would not go away and was costing a small fortune in meds and vet visits. I tried "paleo" on her and the disease went away in two months, her coat is shiny, and she no longer constantly whines and scratches herself all day long.

    Processed foods, no matter the intended consumer, or victim, should be avoided.

    Did you put butter in her coffee? That worked for my dog.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Neanderthin said:
    Yeah................ the paleo diet also saved my dog and paid my mortgage.....j/k.

    You may be joking but it did save my dog. She had a skin disease that would not go away and was costing a small fortune in meds and vet visits. I tried "paleo" on her and the disease went away in two months, her coat is shiny, and she no longer constantly whines and scratches herself all day long.

    Processed foods, no matter the intended consumer, or victim, should be avoided.

    Did you put butter in her coffee? That worked for my dog.

    Butter's not paleo brau.
  • paleofatman
    Neanderthin said:
    Yeah................ the paleo diet also saved my dog and paid my mortgage.....j/k.

    You may be joking but it did save my dog. She had a skin disease that would not go away and was costing a small fortune in meds and vet visits. I tried "paleo" on her and the disease went away in two months, her coat is shiny, and she no longer constantly whines and scratches herself all day long.

    Processed foods, no matter the intended consumer, or victim, should be avoided.

    Did you put butter in her coffee? That worked for my dog.

    I know you're being troll-ish but maybe others will take note: Took her off dry and canned dogfood and started feeding her raw beef, beef fat, and beef bones.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Many naysayers claim this menu is too restrictive. My answer to that is an unequivacal "bull****." There are now many paleo cookbooks on the market not to mention many, many more blogs with recipes. How can a diet using all the various fresh veggies and all the various meats be restrictive?

    I call it too restritve because it excludes legumes. I don't care so much for dairy, other than cheese, but giving up beans and peanut butter would make me miserable for no reason, since there is a wealth of medical evidence proving health benefits from them (not to mention my own half century of personal experience). So for me it's a overly restrictive diet.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Many naysayers claim this menu is too restrictive. My answer to that is an unequivacal "bull****." There are now many paleo cookbooks on the market not to mention many, many more blogs with recipes. How can a diet using all the various fresh veggies and all the various meats be restrictive?

    I call it too restritve because it excludes legumes. I don't care so much for dairy, other than cheese, but giving up beans and peanut butter would make me miserable for no reason, since there is a wealth of medical evidence proving health benefits from them (not to mention my own half century of personal experience). So for me it's a overly restrictive diet.
    Many vegans say the same thing, that their diet isn't restrictive, but fortunately some actually admit it, and call a spade a spade......
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Many naysayers claim this menu is too restrictive. My answer to that is an unequivacal "bull****." There are now many paleo cookbooks on the market not to mention many, many more blogs with recipes. How can a diet using all the various fresh veggies and all the various meats be restrictive?

    I call it too restritve because it excludes legumes. I don't care so much for dairy, other than cheese, but giving up beans and peanut butter would make me miserable for no reason, since there is a wealth of medical evidence proving health benefits from them (not to mention my own half century of personal experience). So for me it's a overly restrictive diet.

    swap almond butter for peanut butter... not that big of a difference.

    legumes... if that's the one thing that keeps you from eating Paleo... then eat legumes. Just don't eat heaps every day since they'll be taking up nutritional space on your plate that would be better filled with veggies. Make them a smaller portion of your diet, and shoot more for fresh legumes like peas and green beans than dried beans. If you do eat beans, just be sure to cook them properly.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Many naysayers claim this menu is too restrictive. My answer to that is an unequivacal "bull****." There are now many paleo cookbooks on the market not to mention many, many more blogs with recipes. How can a diet using all the various fresh veggies and all the various meats be restrictive?

    I call it too restritve because it excludes legumes. I don't care so much for dairy, other than cheese, but giving up beans and peanut butter would make me miserable for no reason, since there is a wealth of medical evidence proving health benefits from them (not to mention my own half century of personal experience). So for me it's a overly restrictive diet.
    Many vegans say the same thing, that their diet isn't restrictive, but fortunately some actually admit it, and call a spade a spade......

    I think it's pretty obvious that both Paleo and Vegan eliminate some big things, but for different reasons. For me, while Paleo eliminates foods, it doesn't feel "limiting". I'm guessing that's what this poster meant too. I actually think I eat a more varied menu now than I did before, because I'm making an effort to cook veggies and meat in new and interesting ways. Now, I could also be cooking my meals in new and interesting ways WITHOUT PALEO... but I've had fun exploring the Paleo blogs and cookbooks for great new ideas. Because Paleo embraces healthy fats, my meals taste much better and are more filling for me than when I "restricted" myself to a low fat menu. And I can afford the cals that add up quickly with a high fat diet because I'm not getting cals from as many carbs as I did before Paleo.

    I'm an elf... only 5'1, so my TDEE-20% is around 1400. I still eat at a cal deficit while trying to lose weight, but I never feel like I used to feel when I was "dieting". By eliminating the exact foods that I used to overeat, I'm able to focus more on enjoying the foods that actually nourish me and make me feel full. And because I've eliminated them versus "moderating" them, I find that I don't crave them and I don't have the mental anguish of eating a little bit, wanting more, denying myself, or giving in to the urge and overeating and then regretting it. Just me... some people are great at moderating, but not me. The structure of Paleo provides me the tools to eat most nutritiously at my cal deficit, and then later when I'm at maintenance.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Wish I was a Paleo so I could try out some of those recipes on the Paleo blogs and cookbooks.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Many naysayers claim this menu is too restrictive. My answer to that is an unequivacal "bull****." There are now many paleo cookbooks on the market not to mention many, many more blogs with recipes. How can a diet using all the various fresh veggies and all the various meats be restrictive?

    I call it too restritve because it excludes legumes. I don't care so much for dairy, other than cheese, but giving up beans and peanut butter would make me miserable for no reason, since there is a wealth of medical evidence proving health benefits from them (not to mention my own half century of personal experience). So for me it's a overly restrictive diet.
    Many vegans say the same thing, that their diet isn't restrictive, but fortunately some actually admit it, and call a spade a spade......

    I think it's pretty obvious that both Paleo and Vegan eliminate some big things, but for different reasons. For me, while Paleo eliminates foods, it doesn't feel "limiting". I'm guessing that's what this poster meant too. I actually think I eat a more varied menu now than I did before, because I'm making an effort to cook veggies and meat in new and interesting ways. Now, I could also be cooking my meals in new and interesting ways WITHOUT PALEO... but I've had fun exploring the Paleo blogs and cookbooks for great new ideas. Because Paleo embraces healthy fats, my meals taste much better and are more filling for me than when I "restricted" myself to a low fat menu. And I can afford the cals that add up quickly with a high fat diet because I'm not getting cals from as many carbs as I did before Paleo.

    I'm an elf... only 5'1, so my TDEE-20% is around 1400. I still eat at a cal deficit while trying to lose weight, but I never feel like I used to feel when I was "dieting". By eliminating the exact foods that I used to overeat, I'm able to focus more on enjoying the foods that actually nourish me and make me feel full. And because I've eliminated them versus "moderating" them, I find that I don't crave them and I don't have the mental anguish of eating a little bit, wanting more, denying myself, or giving in to the urge and overeating and then regretting it. Just me... some people are great at moderating, but not me. The structure of Paleo provides me the tools to eat most nutritiously at my cal deficit, and then later when I'm at maintenance.

    second this ^^ well said
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Wish I was a Paleo so I could try out some of those recipes on the Paleo blogs and cookbooks.

    Nope. We'll sense you with our paleo senses and call the paleo police.