Paleo Diet



  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Holy crap this is a lot of info for me to process. I am not looking for something super restrictive & I LOVE my carbs. I just not sure how to change my diet to achieve results. I know it needs to change and keep hearing about this diet. Thank you everyone for all the information.

    Then this lifestyle is NOT for you. Until you get sick of being sick you likely will find it too "restrictive". I do not find it restrictive at all. If your sole focus is purely weight loss and you expect to continue eating a Standard American Diet and see no problem with that, then continue what you are doing. Personally, I did see a problem with eating highly processed food because it was killing me, and until recently, I didn't care that it was killing me. I would also suggest doing some indepth research into food politics, nutrition, biology, anthropology, agriculture (past and present), anthropology, ethnography, etc. Just asking opinions in an online forum isn't going to give you real information, especially when many of the people who are sharing their strong opinions have no first-hand experience with the subject.

    D*** you really are angry aren't you? What makes you think the OP is sick?

    I'm angry because I speak in a direct manner and from personal experience? Or am I "angry" just because you disagree with me and want to belittle my character? Brilliant.

    I'm really not getting into this with people who haven't even tried Paleo. Newsflash: obesity is "sick". Acid reflux, indigestion, gas, bloating, tooth decay, depression, craving, over-eating etc is "sick". Instead of belittling and ridiculing why don't you try asking "what illnesses did you treat by changing your diet?". You might learn something interesting; or not, since you think we are all just "angry".

    You have issues
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    The best way to avoid malnutrition is to eat nutritious food. Stay away from fads like paleo and other nonsense. Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. Stay within your calories on MFP and exercise regularly. All other ways will ultimately lead to failure.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The best way to avoid malnutrition is to eat nutritious food. Stay away from fads like paleo and other nonsense. Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. Stay within your calories on MFP and exercise regularly. All other ways will ultimately lead to failure.

    What "nutritious foods" do you believe the paleo diet excludes? And do you really believe that people following a paleo diet have issues with malnutrition? If so, what nutrients are they deficient? Yeah, some of them are a little over-the-top zealous, but I haven't seen any that have issues with lack of sufficient nutrition.
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    Acid reflux, indigestion, gas, bloating, tooth decay, depression, craving, over-eating etc is "sick". Instead of belittling and ridiculing why don't you try asking "what illnesses did you treat by changing your diet?". You might learn something interesting; or not, since you think we are all just "angry".

    How do any of those things directly refer to a non-paleo diet? Yeesh....
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    I do not think any exclusion 'diet' will have balanced nutrition.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Why limit yourself to a "diet" Just change your life style. If you want to lose weight, watch WHAT you eat. Count your calories, watch your micro's, and get active. Don't go on a diet, because eventually you come off. I mean... seriously... think of the list of fad diets in the past just 10 years. Every time someone comes up with something then slaps the word "diet" on it that should be a sign that it will pass. I'm going to make a jello diet... just eat jello, only jello, and you will lose weight!

    Seriously... use MFP for how it was meant to be used. Count your calories, stay in your range, watch your macro's, and get a decent work out plan going. :)
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    TIL that unless I eat paleo, I will be fluffy, cranky, and die.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    No ho-hos? :sad: :sad: :sad:'s my 2-Cents...remember that a diet is a lifestyle, not a short-term stop-gap. If you choose it, know the increase in your bank account will be to the debit column. Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, South Beach...blah blah blah...they are all lifestyles. If you want freedom, stick with what you have, and use moderation.
  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    Jof, where are you?

    Where's my favorite Paleo buddy!? WHERE ARE YOU?! PUT DOWN THE SUSHI AND THE SMARTIES, NAO!

    Yay, paleo!

    But seriously, I felt great when I dropped the grains. Twice in the past year I ate wheat, and twice I felt horrible. According to some, I should fight through the pain and become adapted to eating grains again because...uh...well, because they eat them so they're healthy dammit!

    Jof, just to show another example - I used to be vegetarian about 22 years ago for about 8-10 years, not eating meat at all. I remember one time in the middle of it someone talked me into eating smoked ribs, couple of BBQ pork ribs. I woke up in the middle of the night and smelled my skin smelling bad, it was stinking. I felt horrible for a day until it digested. I went on to eat chicken about 10 years after eating no meat. Now, about 20 years later I am starting to eat red meat once in a while, but have no plans to eat pork. When I was not eating meat I did pick up meat eater's body odor. Some were quit stinky.

    The key is to find long term healthy eating lifestyle that works for you, OP.
  • BlackTimber
    BlackTimber Posts: 230 Member
    Should cattle eat corn and wheat?

    Should your dogs and cats eat corn and wheat?

    What is considered a healthy balance of Omega 6 / Omega 3?
  • BlackTimber
    BlackTimber Posts: 230 Member
    Should cattle eat corn and wheat?

    Should your dogs and cats eat corn and wheat?

    What is considered a healthy balance of Omega 6 / Omega 3?

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Why limit yourself to a "diet" Just change your life style. If you want to lose weight, watch WHAT you eat. Count your calories, watch your micro's, and get active. Don't go on a diet, because eventually you come off. I mean... seriously... think of the list of fad diets in the past just 10 years. Every time someone comes up with something then slaps the word "diet" on it that should be a sign that it will pass. I'm going to make a jello diet... just eat jello, only jello, and you will lose weight!

    Seriously... use MFP for how it was meant to be used. Count your calories, stay in your range, watch your macro's, and get a decent work out plan going. :)

    For some people, the word "diet" just means "what one eats". Wait...did I say "some"? I meant "most". (The dictionary even backs me up on this one.)

    To me, all foods are not created equal...both in terms of their benefits and their detriments to health. I see nothing wrong with prioritizing those foods...and if, as a result, certain foods are never consumed, then so be it. I do not understand the idea that I have to eat EVERYTHING in moderation to have a balanced/nutritious diet. It seems some people would have you believe that a diet that excludes Twinkies is unhealthy, unsustainable, and destined for failure. I disagree. I also disagree that a diet that excludes wheat (and/or other foods) is this either.

    Am I saying everyone must eat paleo to succeed? Absolutely not. But I'm also not yet convinced that the paleo concept is unhealthy, faddish, etc. It seems to be working remarkably well and has been sustainable for a lot of people.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Should cattle eat corn and wheat?

    Should your dogs and cats eat corn and wheat?

    What is considered a healthy balance of Omega 6 / Omega 3?

    No. Cattle should eat grass...their entire lives. (That's what the cattle my family raises do...does...whatever.)

    Probably not. Many friends have reported benefits of changing their pets' diets to raw meat.

    I vaguely remember reading that 2:1 or 1:1 was ideal...but I just generally look for ways to reduce my 6 and increase my 3 with a hope that it gets closer to a more ideal ratio. Yeah, kind of dartboardish, but close enough for me.
  • coolonedee
    coolonedee Posts: 36 Member
    The short answer is that Paleo will work. The slightly longer answer is that there are more scientifically sound and less restrictive ways of achieving the same result.

    Agreed!! This post to this Paleo topic is all you need, makes the most sense.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    The best way to avoid malnutrition is to eat nutritious food. Stay away from fads like paleo and other nonsense. Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. Stay within your calories on MFP and exercise regularly. All other ways will ultimately lead to failure.

    This is probably the least thought out comment I have ever read... I mean come on... 1, what Paleo foods aren't nutrient filled and what nutrient filled foods does Paleo exclude? 2, "all other ways will ultimately lead to failure"...? Seriously? you were making a joke right? There is more than one way to skin a cat, my friend. I don't believe Paleo is for everybody, nor do I try and push it on people. But to sit there and say that 'anyone who doesn't do what you think they should do' is wrong, that is just straight up nonsense...
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Should cattle eat corn and wheat?

    No. Cattle should eat grass...their entire lives. (That's what the cattle my family raises do...does...whatever.)

    True story... Not to mention grass fed cattle taste 1000% better than corn fed...
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Should cattle eat corn and wheat?

    No. Cattle should eat grass...their entire lives. (That's what the cattle my family raises do...does...whatever.)

    True story... Not to mention grass fed cattle taste 1000% better than corn fed...

    Only if you don't care for a well marbled steak
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The short answer is that Paleo will work. The slightly longer answer is that there are more scientifically sound and less restrictive ways of achieving the same result.

    Agreed!! This post to this Paleo topic is all you need, makes the most sense.

    Personally, I believe that much of the science supporting grains as healthy is fundamentally flawed. I have similar issues with the "eating fat makes you fat", the "dietary cholesterol is inherently bad", etc. crowds...

    ...but hope someday to be as convinced of the infallibility of my dietary choices as you appear to be of yours.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    All other ways will ultimately lead to failure.

    then death
  • I am still in the process of evaluating Paleo. Here's what I feel so far:
    1) This golden rule still holds true -"Calorie surplus = weight gain (fat and/or muscle)" "Calorie deficit = weight loss". If a Paleo diet causes you to eat less calories than you burn, then of course you're going to lose weight!
    2) It seems much more difficult to eat an appropriate amount of carbs on a Paleo diet. Fact is, carbs give you energy! If your goal is sports performance, a low carb diet will not allow you to perform your best.
    3) Yes, there is scientific evidence backing Paleo! However, there is also scientific evidence to discredit it....A LOT MORE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE!
    4) When sports performance is not your goal, Paleo may be good to try once in a while. I like the idea of shedding fat without losing muscle. People's bodies respond differently to carbs and it is okay to experiement to see how your body responds. Many body builders use low carb diets during the cutting phase before a contest. It has shown to be an effective fat loss tactic. However, they do not stay on it because they realize during the off season when they are gaining muscle, high intensity workouts require carbohydrates in the system to get the most out of their workouts. Some low carb diets also go something like this: 3 days low carb, 1 day regular carb. With that said, Paleo seems to have it's place for some people some of the time.
    5) The Paleo Diet doesn't seem to contribute to one's overall longterm health. There are way too many terrific foods containing valuable nutrients one would be missing out on.
    6) I feel that there is plenty of evidence that says we should choose whole grains and whole foods over refined sugars and refined grains as this will control insulin levels. Keeping stable levels of insulin in the bloodstream reduces sugar crashing, helps control hunger, and limits storage of unused nutrients into fat cells. This means no white flour, no white rice, no sugary foods. (Although I've learned if there is ever a time that insulin spikes don't make you fat it is directly after a workout when insulin shuttles nutrients into depleted muscles rather than fat storage.) The Paleo goes to an extreme and says no grains at all.
    7) Paleo is a fad that will come and go. On a positive note, authors about Paleo bring about an awareness to readers on how carbs affect the body. There is probably something for everyone when it comes to incorporating certain eating habits learned from Paleo authors. Use what works for you! Try it. If your body doesn't respond well, ditch it.

    The bottom line is: The benefits reaped from Paleo are not worth the costs. Similar benefits can be had through more traditional methods (without eliminating nutritious foods). While a full-fledge Paleo diet is not for me, a patial one might be. I'll take what works for me! should too.