

  • I am going to try mines out today actually. I used to trust the calorie count on the game because its Xbox and a big name company that makes the game. But ever since I got my hrm I realize there is no way for it to tell how many calories your have actually burned. It has no idea of what your heart rate actually is.
  • Normally I use water and just choke it down but I always buy almond milk unsweetened for my spinach shakes. So I am going to start using them in my plain protein shakes as well
  • Yeah i eat clean. And I eat enough calories where I should lose 1.5 pounds a week. Then I try to make up for the other .5 lbs by working out.
  • Thanks. Information just gets so confusing.
  • Thanks. I am also 32. I tried what u said a few days ago. I went outside and did a quick run and was able to get my head rate up to 177 or 171 I can't remember which one. But tomorrow I will either run again or get on my bike and run up my heart rate again Wether it was 171 or 177 the 188 seems fairly close to my actual…
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