Today I went to the MD and realized I am at my highest weight ever. I need to lose 50 pounds, absolutely. Maybe even more, but 50 would be amazing. Please add me too.
I've been dealing with this with my 5 year old stepdaughter. When I met her at 4, she was a little taller than average but she was much bigger than she should be at her age. She is currently a size 12-14 in girls, which is the same size as my 12 year old sister. I realize all kids are different, but she was showing serious…
I am a person that needs to lose just about exactly 50lbs. I used to need to lose 30, but then it crept up in grad school and i'm looking pretty portly. Good to meet you!
Hey there, you sound like me. I'm 5'7 183 and I used to be 170. I'll friend you and maybe we can help eachother?