Looking for support

Hi there!

I'm new to MFP, but not to *trying* to lose weight. I was a WW for a long time. Started at 205, got down to 165 and have managed to get back up to 185. :( I'm a healthy eater, but an over eater (and a bindge eater). When I have a lot of structure I can be sucessful. Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time getting movivated-again. MFP says that I should eat about 1200 calories a day. If anyone there is anyone who is eating the same amount as me and would be willing to share their diary, It might help me.



  • Wow, your story is so similar to mine! Would love to offer support/encouragement! Sending friend request :)
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    :laugh: I think we're twins...friend request sent :happy:
  • Hey there, you sound like me. I'm 5'7 183 and I used to be 170. I'll friend you and maybe we can help eachother?