

  • :drinker: WOW!!! Thanks!! I'ma gonna have a blast tonight!!!! All the drinks sound soooo yummyyyyyy!!!! :drinker:
  • There is a book called EAT RIGHT FOR YOUR BODY TYPE. I have read this book front to back several times. About 5 years ago a co-worker told me about this, it's written by a doctor. I too was skeptical at first. And it's not really a book to lose weight, but by eating right they say that it can be a side efttect. It sounded…
  • Well said!!! :drinker: :laugh:
  • Remember: YOU CANT SHINE A TURD!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I see...very different environment. :ohwell: Then it sounds like you can decide to do what works for you in this case. He either does the work or doesn't, or maybe it's too late and it doesn't matter anyway. Anyway, good luck. G-night:flowerforyou:
  • Good Luck with the turd....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sometimes remind yourself, "You can't shine a Turd!!!" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: "U can find a diamond in the rough." But the two are sooooooo not the same! :noway: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue: :tongue: It's past my bed time, I'm on the east…
  • I don't get it either. :noway: At this point in the school year I'm so over it! I say what ever fail! I know that's horrible to say as a teacher, but your right..... If they don't learn now, when are they. ? Some rare few students need to be dropped on their a$$es. They don't learn until we stop doing it for them.…
  • Ughhhh!!:explode: I have a little thorn in my side like him too! except mine is a 3rd year JUNIOR!:angry: Who needs a 130 in 4th MP to pass for the year! YEAh, :noway: NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!! So I say SCREW EM" he should ave thought about this a little earlier! Last year I had a senior who was repeating my class and needed it…
  • WOW!!!!!! :noway: I AM SPEACHLESS!!!! :sad: I leave for a day of work and this is what happens.....:brokenheart: I'ma hop on the FREE DAVE WAGON!!! :drinker: FREE DAVE!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I like the *non-hunger strike comment* - we all suffer with out him :sad:
  • Dave you are like houdini!!!!! :laugh: I think I spelled that right!! Math people can't spell. :laugh: Glad your okay!! :flowerforyou:
  • Wow, I just saw this tread.....ALL this and still no Dave...... Should we start a memorial service???/ I'll start by saying: I am new to the site, and one of my first interactions with Dave was.... um:huh: ....yeah...:ohwell: Well, he got right to the making fun of me!!! :sad: It was great, I like the sarcasm, humor, and…
  • I feel like crap!!!!!:devil: I've been eating &:drinker: crap!:grumble: Not working out-crap!:angry: And now that it's Sunday and I want to (have time to) workout-my BACK IS KILLING me!!!!!!! :explode: :mad: Sorry all I had to vent!!!!! :sad: I'm gonna try for a run.....:ohwell: :flowerforyou: wish me luck!
  • I think both are fine...depends what works for you and your schedule. Which have you been more consistent with? And is it working? I guess if it stops working, switch it up. :bigsmile:
  • I wanted to also add: If I stay consistent with my or two cheat meals or going out to eat doesn't really affect my progress. Key word 'meal' not entire day of crap pushing! :happy:
  • G- I only up my calories on days I workout. If I miss a workout, then I have to make sure that I don't eat more calories. Remember: Calories In - Calories Out = -Calorie Deficit This is my daily goal. You must burn (exercise cals + BMR cals) more than you eat. If you want to lose you follow this... BUT don't beat your self…
  • HEY DAVE!!!! Enough with the food comments!!!! The only thing keeping me out of the kitchen right now is this lap top!!! Yeaaaahhhh for messaging!!!!!!!!! :tongue:
  • Exactly my thoughts!!!!!! LOL
  • still think I take the cake on this one Dave ...i'm a math teacher hehehe.... lol
  • PS. Katie I just noticed your wieght ticker. You and I have the same goals!!! I started in early February at 142lb. my goal is by early June 125lbs or less. I've been doing P90X I'm in my 3rd month and down 12 lbs. and 17 1/2 inches all over. 7% body fat down too! 7 More lbs to go!!!! :) Keep up the good work!
  • Hi! Each steak if they are about the same size are approx. 6.3 oz. There are 16 oz. in a pound, so you multiply .79 by 16, then divide by 2 steaks=6.32. It's like saying they weigh 79% of a pound. Which is 12.64 oz. of the 16 total ounces in a pound. Then divide by two servings, you get about 6 oz. Enjoy Dinner! Hope that…