

  • Clean eating is eating only whole natural foods. No white sugar or flour, no processed foods, very light dairy and no food with artificial ingredients. Lots of salads, fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean protein. It can give you amazing results and great health...if you can stick with it lol. I am adding everyone. I…
  • Hey all!!! Thanks so much for all the support. I want to lose about 85 pounds all together. But any loss at this point is a victory. I just want the scale moving in the other direction. I work in cosmetics and like seems to be about looks and being heavy never helps. Anyway, I'm mainly doing this to get healthy and to…
  • Thank you all so much!!! Such great advice!!! You are all so helpful. Congrats to all you on making this positive change. I know I will be on here alot. I did better today. Not ideal but much better than the others. Yesterday I counted everything I'd eaten and I was nearing 3000 calories....omg how did I eat that much!!!…