I think that the key to being successful is forcing yourself to keep doing something, even if you have lost the motivation, because you know that if it was worth it before, it will be worth it again. I think that discipline is key for weight loss. At least it is for me, since this is about my 3rd or 4th time trying to lose…
You will adapt so fast! I promise, after the fourth or fifth day it will be 5 times easier! The second level is the worst. Just saying. haha! But I did it, it worked great until I stopped. So don't stop! Sleep enough, drink enough water, get enough protein, and keep going!!! You will definitely get the results you are…
Wow! well you are kicking my BUTT when it comes to all things healhty haha! I would just give it time! If it really has only been two months, your body is still adjusting, and if it has to do with extra skin from fat loss, it will take a while to form back to its correct location. But it should come back in, especially…
Just discovered this challenge! I would love to join in! I am just going for 30 miles this month, all of them will be walking or running :)
I am halfway through level three now and I still do not think I have lost any weight. However, I FEEL different, and I LOOK different, so I believe that I am losing fat, I am just gaining enough muscle to counter my losses. Also, Make sure that you are eating enough, getting plenty of water and protein, and sleeping…
I don't log large gains (such as after a summer of badness or something) becuase then when I lose, it tells everyone and myself that I have lost weight, which I feel is undeserved gratification. So I don't log that. But weekly gains/losses I always log!
Yes! I am 5'7 and started out at 228! I am now hovering around the 200 mark. (i have been below it and back up a few times over the past year (trips home always ruin me haha!) but am back on the long haul to success!) :)
I am currently on day 18!! So excited to post results!! (if they are good lol, otherwise i will not be so excited)! I have been at it for about a month, but have been skipping weekends, and a few days due to sickness, but I have been trying to maintain a semi-decient diet so as to only aid my changes and therefore the…
When a friend begs you to help her lose weight, so you take her to the gym with you, after waiting for her to shave her legs to impress boys, and then when you get there, she pesters you the entire time about: "Did you SEE him?" "I don't want to sweat, what if he sees me??" "Do you want to go to BWW's after this?" "You…
I like to be fully awake by the timey classes start, so I get up at 7, eat and get my backpack ready, then I workout and shower, and then head off :) I like working out in the mornings because then I know that I can't forget it or avoid it later, and it always makes me feel like a champ all day because I know that I…
I drink a lot more water on the days I don't have class and I am always peeing at LEAST every hour on those days haha!
I think that weekly is probably the best solution for you because that way you aren't going as 'cold turkey'. Weighing once a week will still give you random fluctuations sometimes, but they will not be nearly as drastic and deflating as weighign yourself daily. I usually weigh weekly, but am thinking about switching to…
I also do circuit training, general. I don't think it adds enough to compensate the cardio aspects of it, but I would much rather be under than over when it come to logging my exercise.
Mine hapen in choir/theatre scenerios too! In theatre, I always had like two hideous things to choose from because they are the only things that would fit me :/ So that was great. And in show choir, I NEVER got to dance with a partner (we had a shortage of boys, so some girls had to dance alone) becuase I was both…
I definitely wouldn't worry about it unless it is a repeat occurance. He might have just had a completely hideous day and became super irritable and made a mistake by holding it against you. But you should definitely talk to him about it, and if he doesn't respect and admire the things that are important to you, especially…
Yes, because I can't stand washing my jeans after one use (unless I am doing something that actually makes them dirty), and therefore, underwear is a must.
I am 19 :)
Sure! :)
I wouldn't say anything, because I always regret it when I do. But that doesn't mean you should let them treat you that way! Possibly bring it up sometime when the two of you are in a good place, and there are no tensions?? I have found that the BEST fix for this situation is to run!! NOTHING vents better than blasting the…
Don't buy the 'bad' foods! :) I know that I cannot handle having too many goodies around, so I buy a little of each temptation to spread throughout the week. Just realize that whatever you buy, you will eat. It is much easier to resist temptation in the store than late at night when you are watching a movie and having the…
A big part of it is that the only people doing 'valentine's day' stuff are usually individual groups of 'friends' that are into it. Maybe her's is not and she just feels like she is being left out, when really everyone in her 'group' avoided the holiday. (This is usually what occured most in my school. Only a few groups of…
It was about 20 for me, but I also gained a lot of muscle, so I think I probably lost a lot more fat, but the scale didn't reflect it, so I didn't even notice a change until I saw some pictures haha!
I am currently doing 30 Day Shred, and so far I am really liking it, and the only real jumping activities are jumping jacks and jump rope mimics, neither of which have put strain on my knees. (The lunges do though, I hate lunges. lol) But I am only on level one, so I can't say what the next two will hold. I strongly…
If my SO would NOT save the kids first, then we would split up. You always save the kids. Always.
This month I am: Doing the 30 day shred not weighing myself drinking 8 glasses of water (at least) each day and not eating 'bad' foods after 8pm. The goals I am looking forward to are: Staying in a good routine so that I will have made some good progress for summer (and the dredded bathing suits haha!!) Looking…
I honestly wouldn't worry about it. Your health is FAR more important, and if you are worried about your boyfriend/future boyfriend, they should support you being healthy, which means understanding that when you lose weight, you lose it everywhere. haha! Mine has been very supportive thus far, and I have (I THINK) found…
The main causes for period delay (other than pregnancy) are stress and changes in diet and exercise, all of which you are probably going through most of the time. I once missed my period for three months in a row becuase my stress levels were so high, which of course didn't ease my stress because I was 16!!!!!
I would do the third. Going by % will be the best because if you are thinner, each pound will count for more, but be harder to lose, and if you are heavier, each pound will count less, but be easier to lose. So it will mostly even out :)
I don't have a planned 'cheat day', but if a friend comes to town and we go out to dinner, I probably will not be counting my calories :) I also don't deny myself the foods that I am craving (within reason). For example, I am in love with ice cream, so I have some small packages of frozen yogurt in my freezer so when I…
That is amazing!!! I am extra excited to start the program now!! I am currently waiting for it to arrive in the mail! Thank you for posting this! Congrats on the success that you have already achieved!