Spanaval Member


  • Anything from Bob Harper's 'Inside Out Method' DVDs. 5 bucks from his website. Be warned though that they're tough. This review of the DVDs is funny and entirely accurate: I'm currently working my way through this currently:…
  • The link to the abstract of the meta analysis is here:;jsessionid=7396D07C42DB2B84642D35158B132AF9.d04t04 They don't, unfortunately, provide the full article for free. The questions I would have are as follows: 1. Are the low carbers eating at…
  • I workout on carpet, barefoot. Started using a yoga mat after getting wicked rug burns on my arms while attempting plank jacks.
  • For me, eating organic (and I pick and choose) is more about the environment than it is the pesticide residue in the food. Traditional farming is a major contributor to pollution, especially to water sources, and to me, that's a good enough reason to support organic farming practices. I'm generally supportive or small,…
  • MFP sets your protein limits quite low. Unless you have kidney problems, more protein is just fine. Aim for 1gram/lb of lean body mass.
  • 1. I've served notice on the flab around my midsection. I'm a really sore loser, so I've got to keep going until I get that ab flab under control. 2. This little monkey. If I don't take care of myself, how do I kick her *kitten* when she turns into a snotty teen?
  • Life doesn't stop just because one is counting calories, so make allowance for it. Work out more, eat less, bank calories, and go enjoy whatever you're having with friends and family, without guilt. Keep in mind that you can eat up to maintenance without gaining weight. I think that I've had at least one 1000+ calorie meal…
    in WTF???? Comment by Spanaval August 2012
  • You need more protein in your diet, and more/different vegetables. Try not to drink your calories. Some of the calorie estimates on the foods in the diary are definitely off.
  • Wonderbread, miracle whip and shredded iceberg lettuce. Used to eat dozens of these.
  • Pretty much daily. Nothing wrong with a little chocolate.
  • I'd say though that DDP Yoga isn't standard yoga. It's got yoga moves in it, but other stuff too, like MMA. OP: start with whatever it is you enjoy. Going for a walk, swimming, biking - all pretty easy to do, easy on the joints too. You can progress to more intense stuff as your strength/ stamina improves.
  • Do what it says in the first post here:
  • Eat in a way that is sustainable for you long term. If you would have a hard time sticking to your plans if you didn't eat a little junk, by all means, do it in moderation. That said, you need to revisit those calorie goals. It is exceedingly rare for men especially to restrict themselves to 1200 cals a day.
  • Wegmans has a huge Sushi menu with the complete nutritional breakdown: And the information is for 8, sometimes 6 pieces.
  • Skinnytaste has lots of healthier options:
  • Are you looking to do cardio or strength? Something like Stronglifts can be done in a short amount of time, as can Tabata/HIIT.
  • First of all, you can't be over on all your macros at the same time and be under on calories. Mathematically impossible. Secondly, MFP sets your protein goals way low. Try for 1 gram of protein/lb. lean body mass. Eat youe macro on fat and fill in the rest with carbs.
  • Do what this post says, and see how much you should be eating. Chronically undereating can be detrimental to weight loss: Also, it is virtually impossible to gain muscle eating at a deficit.
  • When I first started on MFP, I couldn't lose weight for the first couple of months. Started following this (the original version), and have been losing at a steady clip: Try and rework your numbers, and see where it lands…
  • The good news is that fancy restaurants expect that you will order multiple courses, and individual portions will likely be small. I agree with the PP that the scallop is likely the best appetizer. The lamb is probably a decent entree, and depending on howit's prepared, the fish. Honestly though, this is a once in a while…
  • MFP sets your protein goals too low. Try to get as much as 1 gram of protein/lb. of lean body mass (that's your total weight - amount of body fat). Unless you are a small person with high body fat, that would easily be 80, 90, 100+ grams of protein daily. IOW, don't worry about it as long as you are staying under on your…
  • I usually add a little greek yogurt and almond milk. Depending on flavor and for variety, blend with fruits of your choice. I've never tried this myself, but have read that you can add instant pudding powder in various flavors to change the flavor profile and make it thicker and richer. This makes it less healthy, but you…
  • I made garlic shrimp today. Basically, peel shrimp, season with salt and pepper. Heat oil and add some chopped garlic, chili flakes/Green chili/jalapeno (whatever you like if you like heat in your dishes). Fry without burning for a minute or two. Add shtimp, cook about 4 or 5 minutes. Add some lime juice and chopped…
  • You can't do what you did when you were 20 or 30 and still lose weight. But it's BS to say you can't lose weight after you're 40. My high weight was 136, 1 1/2 years or so ago. I'm now at 110 (I dropped to 123 without really trying too hard), and still losing steadily. I'm 41.
  • If you're having problems with satiety or staying within your macros, you may consider changing things up. Protein shakes are not necessary if you can get sufficient protein from regular food sources.
  • Do you think you're doing it because you're being overly restrictive on the weekdays? Would it help or hurt if you were to say, indulge in one thing you love on a regular basis while staying within your calorie goals?
  • The best dog for you is the one that fits your lifestyle the best. In your shoes, I'd sit down and make a list of what you absolutely must have, what would be good to haves and what will not work for you, and go from there. Things to consider: Size Shedding/coat maintenance/Grooming Exercise Level (Do you want a ball…
  • That's what I was thinking as well.
  • My husband eats like the Tazmanian Devil would, super fast. Compared to that, I do eat slowly, but so would 99% of the people out there.
  • Have you tried just eating right, staying within your calorie goals and exercising? It doesn't look like you have a lot of weight to lose, so any safe weight loss would be fairly slow, but it would be healthy and sustainable.