

  • Hey just posted on your other threead =) Would love to join if there's anybody left for me!
  • Hey there I'd love to join! Definately need some motivation. Hope I'm not too late =D Cheers
  • Clairbear- please tell me about your detox diet if you don't mind? Chewing gum hey.. will buy some tomorrow and see if it helps =D I have my second PT sesh tomorrow thank god, some motivation!
  • Oh gosh =) so much good advice guys! Appreciate it! Am far too tired to respond properly so I'm going to be kinda rude about it, sorry =/ I do take my own snacks to work and I eat them but then at about 4.30 when I finish work by that stage I am buggered and have no energy, so yes biscuits become very appealing! Today I…
  • Ah love this =D Tomorrow, thursday, my goals are - 1. Clean out my car! 2. Do 30 minutes at least of Zumba. Unless it's too confusing then I will find another cardio exercise ;D 3. Eat 4-6 servings of vegies. I've been slacking off majorly this week!
  • I'm in! Fortunately I work all weekend doing housekeeping so it won't be much different from normal days! Not too fun, but healthier! The gym isn't open on weekends when I get home. i only started going again last night and am soooo sore! I might do some cardio when I get home tonight. Take the dog for a run i think.…
  • WOW! That's a heck of a lot of responses! Haha thanks girls, made me feel a lot better knowing there's a lot of you going through the same thing. I suppose I did get very excited finding out I could fit into cute bikini tops! Very happy to go out and find some cute new bras now.. Um, to those that can't get rid of your…
  • Oh bugger! Thanks for your help, wish it was more positive but thankyou! Haha I'd love it if you could share. But am enjoying being able to buy a proper nice fitting bikini for once. Cheers =)