coylelaura Member


  • The five main reasons I do not eat meat: #1: I have never liked the taste of most meats. #2: As a health care professional, I know that meat consumption causes many preventable illnesses and diseases. #3: I am opposed to the methods used to raise and slaughter most animals. #4: The factory farming methods used in the meat…
  • Do the exercises, plus get some really good arch supports for your shoes.
  • Congratulations, you are truly an inspiration! Keep up the good work :)
  • Salty Snack: Cheetos or Fritos Sweets: pie, almost any kind but has to be homemade to tempt me Greasy: breaded fried cheese balls (when I'm drinking at a bar I can't resist) Chocolate: Snickers candy bars or Nutella Carbs: Blue Sky granola or TLC original crackers
  • Congratulations! That is awesome. I wish I had patients like you. :)
  • My EX-husband was not into kissing. It should have been a huge red flag. It was not the reason we got divorced, but I always missed it & I will never consider a relationship with someone who is not into kissing again. It's too important to me.
  • I am an RN and have been working in an emergency department for 6 years. I recently finished grad school & am currently looking for a job as a Clinical Nurse Leader.
  • I am an RN & I'd say if you are not having any symptoms like heart palpitations, shortness of breath, or fainting you should be fine. I am thin & active & my resting heart rate is similar. I see similar resting heart rates in active, healthy, thin, nonsmoking patients.