

  • Thanks for all the tips and input!! I started (again) today and I feel so much better emotionally and mentally about this. I went grocery shopping yesterday and planned out all my meals for the following week. I made my lunch yesterday and prepped dinner for today yesterday. I included more healthy fats and a variety of…
  • Thanks Carrieann8! I will try again tomorrow but will prep today and make some things ahead of time. I hope I don't feel sick again it was awful I felt so weak and nauseous! It's so tough finding things I like to eat because I am very picky. I love greens (kale, spinach, collards, brocolli rabe) so maybe I will live off…
  • I work full time and have a 2 year old and 3 month old so I don't have time for the gym. I lost over 50 pounds after having my first child doing Leslie Sansone's walk at home tape and a Prevention flat belly dvd. I'm going to try biggest loser and Jillian Michaels tapes. Leslie Sansone is good to start off with if you are…