I'm starting graduate school soon too in about a month here. I think about how I can really put my best foot forward in a new city, meeting new people, and a new, slimmer me. That makes me go grab some watermelon versus a bunch of chocolate. I want to be confident and keep developing good habits despite the stress of all…
Thank you!!
I agree! Pictures are amazing for tracking progress and they are really motivating.
The Nitty is one of mine too!
Thank you, thank you! I certainly feel more beautiful and confident now!
Hey guys! I have a thread/topic posted of my progress with TONS of pics.. check them out. :) feel free to add me!
Thank you! You're so right... I have much more confidence. I smile all the time :)
Thank you!
Haha, thanks! More weight to lose.. but lots of good progress :)
Thank you everyone!
No matter how hard I try, some of my photos won't resize smaller on photobucket! Sorry guys.. best I could do. Haha
BlogalitesTV on Youtube makes HIIT videos that are anywhere between 10-20 minutes and she always prefaces the workout saying you'll maximize your workout by doing it anywhere between 2-4x. I would suggest doing any HIIT workout at the very least two times. You want to get more bang for your buck right? If you're already…
Awesome job! Keep up the great progress. You're a rockstar!
Amazing story and journey! Very inspirational. Keep up the good work :)
Amazing story and amazing results! Truly inspirational. I'm also glad you found love :) I hope that type of story is one all of us can believe in.
University of Wisconsin :)
Awesome! Support from WI here :)
Try not to be too focused on the numbers. You did great and worked off some extra calories, so be proud of the work you did. Get some good rest and have a better day tomorrow. Slow and steady wins the race.
Good luck! Support from WI
You look fantastic! Keep up the good work!
Thanks guys. I've actually never been fit for a running shoe. I had no idea the significant impact it would have. It's now definitely on my to-do list this next week to do research on shoes and local places to buy them. I'm also going to do a better pre-workout stretch and exercises to warm up my muscles.
Thank you everyone!
You look great!!
I'm looking to lose between 90-100! Good luck to us all :)