

  • Some of the moves in that video looked pretty tough! I didn't do the video but I did do a 15 minute core workout. Definitely felt that burn!
  • Wow, thank you everyone for the replies! I will definitely need to talk to my doctor before taking anything, just to make sure it's something I need to take.
  • I tried to make smart decisions for the holiday, but I'm not sure if they really worked. Thursday morning, I worked out for 45 minutes, walked my dog right before dinner, and played Just Dance with my brother and his girlfriend for about an hour after dinner. So, a lot of exercise. However, I did eat the full-on…
  • I use the Nike Training Club app for my workouts, which has many different workouts, but I usually stick to 4 or 5 workouts all the time. So, today I did one I've never done before. Boy, it wasn't easy!