

  • My weekend issue is that my schedule is off, everyone is around and so much more is going on. On weekends I do MORE planning as to what I am going to eat than I do during the week, so I can sit down in the morning and at least get breakfast lunch and dinner logged in and see where I stand for the rest of the day. Then I…
  • Try switching it up and add something new! Instead of doing a second class, hit the elliptical for a little while. Or spend sometime on the weight machines. Or just hit the treadmill. Keep your body guessing, LOL Good luck!
  • I have definitely done that before! Its so hard and frustrating sometimes! Glad you got to have some little treats AND it helped!! Those are the best kinds of treats!
  • Hey all! I'm new to the group! I am getting myself back on track. I did really well for a stretch last year, I lost about 35 lbs and kept it off but then come fall, which is the busy season in my work PLUS stress oh look I gained 40 lbs! SO now I am getting my eating back on track and getting back in the gym! I stopped…
  • One of my absolute favorite shows. The funniest part it is one of the only shows we will be watching where my 4 year old wanders in and curls up on the couch with us, she loves it! She learned soft kitty to sing Daddy when he was sick!!