Special K Cracker Chips. 30 of them for 110 calories! The sea salt ones aren't great by themselves...but dipped in an awesome dip, they're perfection!
You've lost 60 pounds!!!! And you look great!! Don't let our cultural definition of "beauty" define who you are and how you feel. You are beautiful and valuable just exactly how you are right now. And you've LOST 60 POUNDS!!!!!! That's amazing!
To answer your question about "the point". I am doing this cleanse right now because I went on vacation last week and that included a vacation from watching my food intake. I ate whatever I wanted to and as much of it as I wanted to. So of course, I've gained some weight. :) But I know some of it is bound to be water…
Thank you so much for posting this. So refreshing. I love Aunt Millie's Light Potato Bread...35 calories a slice. It's soft and the slices aren't tiny. It's also a good source of fiber.
- There's a link to my favorite sports bra. :) The girls don't budge!
Cenarion Circle - Draenei Hunter, Gnome Rogue & Human Mage
I have a cup with a lid & straw that holds 3 cups (24 oz). I fill it up each morning and every time I have to fill it again, I check off 3 cups. Using the little water icon in the Food Diary's fun to click! :) It's kind of a hard habit to get into, but once I started drinking more and more water, other things…
I gotta try these!