bikerchick567 Member


  • I eat a pretty high protein diet. Some of my favorites are egg whites, fish, plain Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and tofu. Cheese has some protein though quite a bit of fat. Almond cheese may be a good alternative. It has 50 calories per oz with 7g protein and 1g fat and only 3g carbs. It is an acquired taste. I like the…
  • I had struggled with anorexia in high school and bulimia for a number of years after that. I have had a few relapses over the following 22 years that don't last for long. The things that helped most in my recovery were counseling and a support group. I finally just decided that no matter what I ate I wasn't going to purge.…
  • I'm in! (I need some support . . . have been backsliding!) SW 147 CW 136.8 GW for June 130 UGW 128
  • Weight training is definitely key! I do a "cross fit" type of workout and have seen amazing changes in my body. I previously used machines at the gym, bench pressed, did squats, swam, ran, and biked; however, since doing a more intense interval type of weight workout I am definitely stronger and actually see my abs (though…