Lose 5 Pounds in June Challenge



  • LilMissTalyn
    LilMissTalyn Posts: 106 Member
    UTG: 180
  • 25daniow
    25daniow Posts: 121 Member
    I would love to be a part of this challenge. Sorry I'm a couple days late but we just returned from Disneyland last night. Here are my stats....

    SW - 204
    CW - 181
    GW - 176
    UTG - 150

    6/1: 181

    Good luck to everyone participating!!!!
  • Gretalou
    Gretalou Posts: 1
    I would like to take part of this challenge and get some motivation!

    SW- 185
    CW- 174
    GW- 167
    UTG: 160

    6/4: 174
  • I'm in!

    height: 5'2-3

    SW: 177
    CW: 176.5
    GW: 170
    UTG: 135

    6/4: 175.5
  • SW 187
    CW 144.8
    GW 139.8
    UTG: 118
  • Bellard50
    Bellard50 Posts: 1 Member
    SW = 158
    CW = 153
    GW = 149
    UTG = 135

    I have realized that food is 80% of weight loss, and yet I need the exercise to reduce the stress. I'm still working on finding the right balance.
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    SW 146
    CW 137
    GW 132 (June 30th)
    UGW 125

    June 1/12: 137
    June 4/12: 137
    June 11/12:
    June 18/12:
  • measureformeasure
    measureformeasure Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in!
    CW 165
    GW 159 (June 30th)
    UGW 145ish (depending on how I feel healthwise)
    Weigh ins will be Monday mornings.

    I'm 21 and 5'8, feel free to add me as a friend :)

    6/4- 165
  • wonderlilly
    wonderlilly Posts: 27 Member
    Love this, and would love some new MFPs, if any of you are looking for a pal!

    I'm 34 and am 5'2 on a good day ;) 5'7 if I have my cute shoes on!

    CW 127.8
    GW 123
    UGW 123, although ideally I'd love to ultimately get below 120.

    I will weigh in once a week. I weighed today, so I guess Mondays are good, if a little evil :)

    Looking forward to cheering you guys on!
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I'm 20 and 5'7''

    SW - 258
    CW - 239.0
    GW for June - 234.0
    UGW - 165
  • bikerchick567
    bikerchick567 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in! (I need some support . . . have been backsliding!)

    SW 147
    CW 136.8
    GW for June 130
    UGW 128
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    SW: 130
    CW: 120
    GW: 110
    UTG: 105-110

    Weigh in days:

    4th June: 118.5
    11th June:
    18th June:
    25th June:

    I lost 1.5 lbs! I was so excited when I weighed myself this morning and I'm a petite girl! (5'1'') =)
  • cootkilla
    cootkilla Posts: 3
    Thumbs up let's do this.
    I'm In,

    SW - 245
    CW -236
    GW- 230 - 225
    UTG - 200

    Weigh in's
    5 June - 233 :happy: 3 lbs in a week, I'll take it
    12 June
    19 June
    26 June
  • I'm gonna try this! :)

    CW: 125.6 (June 5)
    GW: 120.0
    UTG: 110.0

    Since I just joined, I'm going to schedule my weigh-ins starting next Monday.

    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    June 30:

    Good good luck everyone!
  • Nay77
    Nay77 Posts: 4 Member
    Sounds great! Count me in too.

    SW: 152.5
    CW: 152.5
    GW: 145.0
    UTG: 135.0

    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    June 30:

    All the best to everyone!! :smile:
  • CelenaLeV
    CelenaLeV Posts: 25 Member
    I'm in...I could use some motivation

    I teach so I'm off in the summer....I'm really trying to increase exercise . Yesterday I swam both in the morning and evening. Tonight it's cycling class! My food is back on track too....biggest challenge for me is finding things productive to do with my summer. I'm trying to set daily goals of getting things done plus I will be taking classes this summer!

    Good Luck Everyone!!!


    SW (305)
    CW (285)
    GW (275)
    UTG: (150)
  • CelenaLeV
    CelenaLeV Posts: 25 Member
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    June 30:
  • BrandiH2007
    BrandiH2007 Posts: 40 Member
    SW: 214
    CW: 207.2 (5/29)
    GW : 200
    UTG: 155

    6/5 - 205.2 - down 2 lbs!
    6/12 -
    6/19 -
    6/26 -
  • spelham15
    spelham15 Posts: 43 Member
    Starting Data:
    SW 160
    CW 149
    GW (for June) 143
    UTG: 140
    Height 5'3

    I weigh in on Monday Mornings
    June 4: 150 (+1)....What the heck, I weighed in on Sunday afternoon and was 148.5, then by the next morning 150.....ugh!!!!
    June 11:
    June 18:
    June 25:
    June 30:
  • wa_tracy
    wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
    SW: 178
    CW (from June1st): 175
    GW: 170
    UTG: 158 (for now)

    I weigh in on Mondays:

    6/4: 174.2 (down 0.8 lbs)