AstroSquirrel Member


  • I had belonged to a small neighborhood women's gym. There was an older lady who would come in and get on every piece of cardio equipment for about a minute and then leave. Every. Piece. She wasn't quite dressed for exercise but would do the aerobic video style warm-ups before her round. Needless to say, she would be in…
  • I work 00:00 (midnight) to 08:00 and then go to class from 08:00 - 11:00 (for my industry certifications). I try to eat something every 4 hours whethter it be a piece of fruit or an actual meal. Because my activities are tightly scheduled, I do find myself getting hungry at 00:00, 04:00, 08:00 and 12:00 on the dot. I set…
  • Age: 27 Height: 5'2" SW: 150 CW: 148 GW: 122 (Pre-university weight)
  • I'll have a beer or two but it has to be at my favorite place. I'll workout a little extra so I can have it. I like some of the richer stuff but according to this link, most common beers don't reach 200 calories for a 12 ounce serving.
    in Beer Comment by AstroSquirrel April 2012