Keeping track when you have a crazy sleep schedule



  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    I'm a bartender and I have an odd sleep schedule because of work, kids, and days off. I just log from the time I get up till I go to bed again. My first meal is breakfast, then usually a snack but sometimes I skip and just go to lunch. I never really worry about the times either, just the amount of calories I'm consuming for the time from one sleep to another.
  • I work 11pm-7am and have managed to keep 2 meal times constant, breakie and dinner! Wether it will be when im working or on my days off when im back on night sleeping, i will always have breakie in the morning and dinner at night. So 5 days a week my first meal after sleeping is my big meal of the day and will track it as dinner of that day. All my food tracking is done on the day that it was eaten, so if its 4am on thursday it goes under thursday.
  • AstroSquirrel
    AstroSquirrel Posts: 5 Member
    I work 00:00 (midnight) to 08:00 and then go to class from 08:00 - 11:00 (for my industry certifications). I try to eat something every 4 hours whethter it be a piece of fruit or an actual meal. Because my activities are tightly scheduled, I do find myself getting hungry at 00:00, 04:00, 08:00 and 12:00 on the dot. I set up my food log times in military time and I quit thinking of it as breakfast, lunch and dinner. I just think of it as refueling time and choose whatever I feel I can eat at that time. At my job, I'm not allowed to leave the building and do not have access to a kitchen (we do have a small refridgerator and microwave). I usually eat a banana, apple or yogurt at 00:00 (I have just woken up about an hour before this). At 04:00 (my working "lunch" break) is steam bag vegetable mix or something prepared from home like salad, soup or "leftovers" or just raw fruits and vegetables. I don't have a lot of time to eat sometimes depending on what's happening at work. At 08:00 I'm at class so it's something portable again like fruit or vegetables or something from their snack bar (I get in trouble here) then by noon I'm at home and can eat something normal like a sandwich or cook up turkey cutlets. I've never eaten so many fresh fruits and vegetables in my life just because of how convenient they are when you have to just drop your food and handle a situation at work.
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    I consider a day to be from midnight to midnight, no matter whichshift I work, and I have the log divided by hours, not meal name. It's consistent and it works fine.