

  • You wont get 'bulky' unless you really try (with some serious supplements and heavy weights). You will get lean on the program though. Keep your nutrition basic to start. Use the healthy plate theory - 1/2 salad or veg, 1/4 carbs, 1/4 protein. Aim to feel satisfied - not full. And eat every 2-3 hours throughout the day. I…
    in P90X Comment by angeliq00 February 2011
  • You could use a free online calculator (I found this one - It is for general aerobic, which is not perfect but will give you an indication. But hey, if you work up a sweat it is all good :-) I did Turbo Jam for a few months - loved it! You will get addicted!
  • Turbofire is available at - it is an advanced version of the TurboJam-style workouts. It incorporates High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), which pushes you to your maximum heartrate for short intervals... HIIT training is loved by athletes because it pushes you to peak performance and boosts calorie…
  • I really agree with this. I have found for myself that what started as motivation has turned into obsession. I feel overwhelming self-hatred when I go over my 1200Cal daily allowance, but because I am exercising too feel that any 'extra' I have can go into crap like wine and chocolate. Then I don't lose weight and hate…