

  • I just started using myfitnesspal, so it says I've lost 4lbs but really it's closer to 70. Loosing 10, 15, 25, 50... those numbers were big. And now being 143 I'm sooo close to my goal I can see it! The last couple lbs were all back/bra fat! That was awesome. Not that my back is smooth, but it's way nicer than before. I…
  • I went from a 2 liter of dr pepper a day to dt dr pepper. Now I don't drink it at all. I can't because I had a lap band, or I totally would be guzzling dt dr pepper all day still. Since I can't have the carbonation, a month after surgery, when I felt better and was back on real food I tried making some soda really flat and…
  • I absolutely love seeing my chiro. My 3 yr old even goes. I think it depends on the drs personal pt of view whether they support chiro or not. My daughter's pedi thinks it's a crock, but he's old school (was my pedi first!) Just for her pt of view, my dr is in her 20s and very current on new practices, and prefers trying…
  • Stay active. If you up the calories and your body isn't used to is you can start to store the additional calories. So like it says I can have 1850 calories a day with moderate activity to maintain my wieght... I know I'd be packing it on without working out. I see a bariatric physician and he suggests post weight loss: 1.…
  • Those are the same spots I need to loose. My doctor suggested pilates because it will tone in a feminine way, instead of bulking certain muscle groups.
  • When you see yourself in the mirror or look at a picture your brain sees what it thinks you look like... it remembers what it saw before and what you're used to... which is fat. It's the pattern recognition theory. Like when you can't find your keys and you look everywhere, but they were in plain sight on your desk the…