

  • Hello! I am definetely needing to join this group. I am at a loss of motivation/will power. I want to lose about 65-70 pounds. Im so tired of the all or nothing attitude I put on myself. Starting tomm I am a new me. Plus my new sweet puppy will need a good walk.
  • YOU GOT THIS!!!!!!!! Im starting today to and am terrified. But my heistation is far outweighed by the absolute HATE of my reflection in the mirror. Therefore I will push play and push through. Feel free to add me if you like. good luck
  • Tomorrow is Day1 Level 1 for me!!!!! I am having the hubby take my before pics and measurements tonight. Not sure I wanna know what those numbers say..........maybe I'll have him keep it a secret then I can be pleasantly suprised when I'm done. I started this program once before but didnt finish it. I WILL FINISH THIS…