

  • I've had the same issue! I'd love to hear responses too.
  • Push through! The 3rd day will be the worst, but after that you will start to feel better. You muscles need to be warmed up and stretched, even though they hurt, in order to feel better. Push through the pain! :)
  • Wow! Sounds EXACTLY like me! Not a big veggie eater or fruit eater so it's definitely harder. One thing you can do to cut some calories here and there is always look for the low fat versions of things you might normally eat. Other than that I'm kind of in the same boat as you and will be interested to see other posts. Good…
  • I would suggest getting it done where you have somone airbrush it on you by hand, not something like the Mystic Tan machines where you stand and get sprayed from different angles. I LOVE the airbrush spray tan and it looks very natural and not streaky if you get someone who knows what they're doing. And it only takes one…
  • As I understand it, losing weight is about calories in vs. calories out. So if you eat 1200 calories but workout and burn 200 calories then you've really only taken in 1000 calories, so you should be able to have 200 more calories to bring you up to your goal for the day. That's how I understand it anyway.
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