My question is, what are you eating instead of fruit? If the answer is vegetables, no sweat! If the answer is processed sugars, you may simply have trained your mind and tongue only to respond to the intense sweetness of other sugars and you might try taking a week off from sugar and then tasting a strawberry again. The…
When I hit puberty, my mom gave me a book that calculated the calories in every food and the calories in every exercise. I became obsessed and it started a lifelong struggle with food. A calorie is NOT a calorie. They are good to keep track of, but that's only the surface. If you're getting out of control with it, walk…
I used to obsess over calories burned - vaccuuming, sleeping, reading, laughing - I logged it all, as well as every calorie eaten. Oh, that was also when I had the worst eating habits of my life! Now I only consider real, dedicated training to be exercise - heart rate should be in zone 3 or higher. Even a "sedentary"…
morning, even in the winter when i had to get up at 5 am and run in the winter snow... but mostly because i can't sleep if i work out late at night. but the best, if you can manage it, is afternoon - a quick run before lunch is perfect in my book! bottom line - do whatever works for your schedule and gets you in the habit.…
Hey there! I started doing "triathlons" (such as we could) in Kabul and whole I technically completed a near-half Ironman distance in May, I'm still a very weak swimmer and feeling less than prepared for an Olympic distance I have coming up... But I love the intensity and diversity of Tri training and at the peak it was…