TheJamLady Member


  • I hear ya Laurab & RBX. My baby's 6 months too and though she's enjoying solids she always wants to nurse afterwards. She's an efficient nurser, way faster than my older boys were, but she clearly gets a lot each time. I'm going to keep my calories at 500 for a while, since I also notice that my body is still needing those…
  • I'm 34 and home on maternity leave until May. My daughter is 5 months. I have 2 boys ages 8 & 5. I was on MFP pre pregnancy, but started back this past June after baby was born. I like how it keeps me mindful of what I'm consuming and how active my lifestyle is each day. I'm plugging away at the last 10-15 lbs to my goal,…
  • Up Your calories if you're hungry and make sure to get enough water. I went through the same thing postpartum. Then I did a little research and realized I should add 500cals for EBFing but even still I was hungry, so I manually upped my calories. Trust that hungry feeling and don't cut it down too fast. The weight will…
  • um folks, I thought the whole point of MFP was to encourage others along their journey to better health. Clearly there are differing opinions on this post, but I think folks need to take a step back and be kinder. just consider the impact of cutting words
  • I'm not much of a runner, but I agree about working out first thing in the morning. I try to walk my oldest to school first thing or do either yoga or an absolute workout as soon as I get home. I walk my second to school at lunchtime for Kindergarten. Then I walk to pick them up at the end of the day. I add in a few extra…
  • talk to your doctor or public health nurse/ community nurse. They can help you identify if it IS depression and what treatment options are. I struggled lots when my first was born and in hind sight wish I'd sought out help. It's worth it to take care of you. If you know there are some options that just won't work, be…
  • Make sure you have enough calories so that you don't have your supply drop. When I. Started back to MFP post-partum everything I read talked about 1800 calories minimum for maintaining milk supply. For me that was way too low. I had to set mine higher and am still losing.
  • I agree that with pregnancy your body often changes. After my first, my hips were permanently wider, even when I dropped below my pre-pregnancy weight. Now after my third birth it's taking longer to get rid of my tummy. Beachbody P90X ab ripper or Ten Minute Trainer Abs are great and I wish I could do them more often.…
  • I agree with the previous posts about walking. It was the first exercise I was able to start back to at a week or two post partum. I started small-a half block and back. Yesterday I went for a walk for 45 minutes with baby in the stroller. She's now 4 months. With three kids there are days when walks are the only thing I…
  • Feed him when he's hungry not just according to how much he ate last time & how long ago. Babies stomach's hold a lot less & digest way faster than older kids so they need to eat regularly (and through the night). Your 4 week old could also be hitting a growth spurt. Talk to your doctor or public health nurse if you need…
  • I've had three kids & each time the breast pain in pregnancy lasted 'til around the end of the first trimester. It's just the hormones charging through your body & may even out. Hang in there.
  • I wondered the same thing after my youngest was born. I add -500 for EBFing to my food journal as that's how most folks seemed to be counting it.
  • And having two little boys is wild and crazy, but so rewarding. I love having my boys.
  • Feel free to add me. I have 2boys, now 8 and 5 and a 2 month old daughter. I think having support from other moms who are going through the same thing is key.
  • Yes, I had a midwife with all 3 of my deliveries- 2 in hospital and the last at the newly built Birth Centre. The support and postpartum follow up was wonderful. I recommend meeting the midwives. Here, we're just lucky enough to get in. The demand is much higher than the supply of trained midwives.
  • Thanks for all your the great ideas. Hauled out the protein powder I already have and picked up some Greek yogurt. Doing better with cravings
  • I'm 34 & have three kids ages 8,5, & 5 1/2 weeks old. I've just started back to working out post-partum. With a busy house and trying to juggle life with three, I'm learning how to fit exercise in all over again. I'd appreciate support from other moms who've been there or are going through the same now. Feel free to add me.
  • Congratulations! I had my third, our daughter on 5/10. I just started back to mild workouts this week. I'm finding with three I'm not getting workouts in ever day-but trying to do some when I can. Walking, yoga and calisthenics are where I'm starting.