

  • So last week was horrible. I had to go out of town for work and I had planned to stick with the program but it didn't happen. I have decided to not count last week in the 90 days and do it over. I am scared to look at the scale because I know I have gained. So week 3 day 1 starts again tomorrow!
  • I listen to Jillian's pod cast and on one of them she said that you should not add any additional weight training to Body Revolution but that you could add extra cardio. I think the only DVD that she had that is just cardio is Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.
  • Day 8 is done. My diet was absolutely horrible today. My husband bought a bag of Hershey miniatures...enough said...but I got the workout done. Tomorrow's a new day :)
  • weighed in this morning & lost 6 pounds in week 1! :happy:
  • Day 6 is done! I didn't get my workout in until late, but I did it! Instead of doing cardio 1 twice, I did it once and then jogged on my rebounder for twenty minutes. Weigh in tomorrow, fingers crossed!!
  • Day 5 is done! Keep on keeping on folks :happy:
  • Day 4 is done! I got my TOM today :ohwell: I hope it doesn't throw off my weigh in on Sunday! The workout seemed to be a bit easier today. Getting stronger already :)
  • Hey guys! Today was one of those days that I just did not feel like working out! It was probably because I slipped on the diet. I had the chef salad for lunch, but I didn't bring anything for a snack (I don't like any of the snack choices in the kickstart meal plan). I ended up working later than I usually do because of a…
  • Day 2 is done :) I thought that workout 2 was harder than 1. That first circuit had my lower back screeeeeaaaaming:sad: !! My chest, triceps, and inner thighs were pretty sore today, but it felt good to feel like I had done something :tongue: twooliver-I think that it's okay to start any day as long as you had the food and…
  • I'm happy to see that several of us are starting at the same time! I look forward to following everyone's progress! I hope you all had a good day 1. Mine hasn’t been all that great as far as the diet is concerned. I did great with prepping my food yesterday. I made a pot of the soup and chicken and separated it out into 4…