

  • It shows the world how delicate life is and that bad things happen to people everyday. I am so sorry this happened to you and I hope that you will continue to heal. Know this..... Take one day at a time, allow yourself to feel, remind yourself that you are here and now. Grieving is not for whimps! It is a process that goes…
  • 1.) Fruits 2.) Veggies 3.) Lean meats 4.) Beans Stay away from canned and processed foods... You are right, most premade food adds a ton of salt, fat, and sugar. This is because these three cause addiction! You will get use to the new you! It is so worth it. Make a home made veggie soup, freeze, and take with you. Ezekial…
  • ok..... The bottom line is this. You body comp deals with how many calories your body needs a day to survive. Muscle mass and activity have a lot to do with the amount of calories you need daily. The only purpose to eating is breakfast will supply you enough energy until lunch, lunch to dinner. If you eat more than what…
    in confused Comment by mentar75 March 2012
  • Hi Ross, they say there is some truth to visualing yourself thin, then it will become you!. This is why people do phototherapy, and this is why anorexia believe they are fat. There is a connection in the mind that will make you see yourself in truth or not. If you visualize and make yourself think your are a smaller,…
  • I have to be honest! I think a lot of the issue deals with addictions. Sugar, salt, fat. I once was able to lose over 50# on the Atkins diet, got into the last phase, was eating fruits, whole grains, veggies, then I had a spoon full of Taramisu and it was all over! I woke the demon and watched my scale increase weekly and…