trifona Member


  • Sounds similar the symptoms I had when I tore the labrum in my shoulder last year. It was initially thought to be tendonitis, but it wasn't responding to conventional treatment. PT was making it worse.
  • P90 Master Series from BeachBody is pretty good. A lot of variety, and what I would call a managed level of intensity that most everyone should be able to handle. Most workouts are about 45 minutes long and the only equipment you'll need are some dumbbells or resistance bands. I am not a coach - just a satisfied user of…
  • I have full range of motion already 8 weeks after surgery. PT at this point is focused on the initial stages of strength training using elastic bands for resistance. I'm hoping of being capable enough to do push-ups within 4-8 weeks depending on my progress since my surgeon's original estimate for resuming normal…
  • Bingo This is it!!! After I stopped my daily workout regimen, where I was getting up @ 4:30Am every day, I reduced calories to compensate but also started eating more carbs (primarily fruit), and then I started to shed a pound per day for nearly 2 weeks. Prior to this I had been lamenting to a friend as to how I felt like…
  • I can guarantee you it was water. 15lbs in 3 weeks, 11lbs in the first 11 days. After taking the month of February off and restarting my program in March I didn't notice any weight loss or gain during that cycle. I'll hope for the same this time around as well.
  • I stopped working out 3 weeks ago because of tendinitis in my rotator cuff. Had a cortisone shot, and been to a few physical therapy sessions. In the 3 weeks since I stopped exercising, I've lost 15lbs. Prior to the injury I had been working out 6 days a week for the last 7 weeks straight. So what can I expect once I start…
  • I may be better off just doing what I can do with P90MS and get myself ready to hit Insanity at full speed in another month or so.
  • As a 5'11" male it took me 7 months.
  • Power 90! Absolutely you can do this!
  • Power 90 and then Power 90 Master Series. Working for me, similar circumstances to yours.
  • I weigh myself 2x a day. I'm sure some of you are shrieking now in horror! First thing in the morning after waking up, after going to the bathroom but before I drink anything or workout. Second time is after I get home from work in the evening; as its usually been several hours since I've eaten and I typically am so well…
  • Power 90 and then Power 90 Master Series
  • Emily, If P90x feels too intimidating try it's easier sibling, P90 Master Series. It is P90X without the X(treme). I already finished Power 90 (P90), and now I am two weeks into P90MS. I'm down >50lbs! I already have the P90X program ready to go when I'm ready.
    in p90x Comment by trifona March 2013