DBossTorres Member


  • I definitely know how you feel. I'm at 244lbs and have to go down to 140. It's a hard road to take, but I've been going at it slow and let me tell you I've had a few ups and downs and failed a few times, but I realized I need to stop measuring myself against everyone else and take it a day at a time. I've been learning…
  • Interesting. I see a lot of people stick to old fashioned pen & notebook.
  • Freaking awesome! An inspiration to many. I hope to achieve my goal one day. Although I'm taking it one step at a time and learning from my mistakes. (which I'm sure there will be plenty off):smooched:
  • I used to suffer from this as well. It's caused byseveral reasons lack of hydration during the excercise, over hydration,over exertion during exercise, or from too abruptly ending an exercise session. If it persist and worsens I suggest you go see your primary care physician.
  • I couldn't agree more. It's an added boost & much needed support when you're feeling like quitting. You see others being motivated and losing and you start to feel some of that positive energy too
  • Gender:Female Age:22 Height:5'6" Starting Weight:240lb Current Weight:240lb(recently signed up) Goal Weight:150lb Lets see my twin find me ;D
  • Hey Jennie! Name's Dee. I just recenlty signed up and I'm in the same boat. It's easy to forget why you started & what your goal is. Which is why MFP support from the community is an added boost!. Lets help each other. I'm 240 lbs at 5'6 and I want to be in the 140-150lb range as well. We have similar goals. Lets go!