bdcoy Member


  • I had it 4 years ago lost little over 100 lbs. this last winter gained about 15back so working at losing it. Only regret forme i'am still finding foods that agree with my stomach. Other than that well worth it
  • we do grow are own veg's, but that don't last all winter,
  • I want to eat more veg's but can't afford all the fresh ones and frozen have so much sodium, I end up taking a water pill to rid of the fluid, what am I suppose to eat
  • Help from you vegetarians, I love vegetables ,I love stir fry veg. with the sauce just the vegs, I can't afford to buy fresh all the time so i buy frozon ,but frozonvegs have so much sodium. what do I do?
  • I turn the lights off and my bedroom is completely black, not a lite at all . I cover up ,close my eyes and my mind goes wild, thinking of everything. I try to tell myself to think of nothing ,but it does help. like last night I went to bed slept for 3 hours ,woke right up, couldn't go back to sleep,so I went to he living…