MarceloPCR Member


  • Hello, I know this may seem like "weightlifting stuff" but in my opinion this video motivates the hell out of me. And I think that you can apply most of the things he says to other things in life. If you can spare 20 minutes to watch it, I would suggest it. Best of luck!
  • I tried Wendler's for about 3 months and had amazing resulsts. I used Dave Tate Periodization Bible as assistance work because I like some more volume. Afterwards I've been doing PHAT for 2 months and the results are amazing but the volume is getting too much to handle. Being in the gym almost 2h per day is just too much…
  • Soreness will go away when you start the workout again and the blood goes to the muscles. I don't like to train while sore but I'm sure it's nothing serious. I don't really know that program but one things that really helps with the soreness is stretching a lot afterwards. Search dieselstrength on youtube to find some…
  • Strength works by stimulating your nervous system and is done around 3-6 reps per set of exercise (Check Westside Barbell, Starting Strength, Wendler 5/3/1, Greyskull LP, etc.. workout routines). You will increase your pure strength (picking up heavy stuff) and grow a bit. Hypertrophy works your muscle making them grow…
  • I follow IIFYM and I have great results.