

  • It's a great idea to just get rid of that food and try to not buy anymore...It can be hard though...I have a hard time being motivated to exercise other thing you could try is if you feel like you're absolutely going to indulge try and pick less processed sweets or dark chocolate or something that you can feel…
  • Assignment 1: Well today I weighed 159.4 so I was really excited because this week I actually went from 161 when I signed up with MFP to 162.6...yikes! But this morning I woke up with no bloat, my engagement ring was loose and my weight was down. Yay! Assignment 2: This is so true, sometimes I hate how I think I'm not good…
  • 1. When I weighed myself this morning I was at 160.6. Since I only started yesterday well I'm not expecting any true results yet but I was happy to be under 161 (my weight yesterday). I have tried to remember lunch today and to drink more water. I'm happy I ate a little something at midday to keep my metabolism running…
  • So I don't know if you'd consider this a healthy pizza recipe but I do and it is DELICIOUS! I use pizza dough from a local bread company that is refrigerated. (flour, salt, yeast). After it rises, stretch dough. Brush with olive oil (good quality) and 2 cloves finely chopped garlic. I then take a small amount of goat…
  • This is great, I think this group is exactly what I need. So for task #1--I currently weigh 161 and would like to weigh 130 by New Years. So 31 pounds total to be lost. Task #2--I'm going with Marilyn Monroe she's curvy but beautiful!
  • Wow...I really was not expecting so many responses so quickly...Anyone feel free to friend me as I guess I've reached my limit already :). My current weight is 160 lb and I am 5'1". My goal is 130 though 120 would be great. I plan on doing this by exercising a few times a week in addition to my dog walking (currently I…
  • Great post. I love the idea of taking a pic every month for encouragement! Now if I can just stick with my exercise plan..