

  • If you are only eating around 1200 a day AND exercising, you might want to read this:
  • What's your daily intake? Do you eat your calories back after exercising?
  • I canNOT believe that they would taunt you like that when you have made such a great decision to get healthy! They should be supportive! I would have FREAKED and made them feel like the jerks that they are! Like everyone else said, you should be proud every step of the way, every time you make a healthy choice! Don't let…
  • We shall see! She asked, I answered. Wasn't looking to get into a big discussion about it, but thanks. I'm still excited to try it out! And they offer great tools and workout programs to go with so for $47, I'm still satisfied with my purchase :) if even just for the fire it lit under my butt...
  • Well we will have to wait on my results! But I don't see how following an organic diet for a while won't help to cleanse my system... A lot of my friends have followed similar diets and had great results! Agreed that counting calories is the way to go, but getting food tips is NEVER a bad thing...
  • I bought it for $47 just the other day and going over the material - I'm REALLY excited to start next week! They offer a great diet plan including a detox, a cleanse and lists of foods that burn fat faster than most others! It even gives you a grocery list so you know what foods you should be eating and what ones you…